You could hear a dial tone and you waited for JJ to pick up.

"This is Agent Jareau, Communications Director for the FBI's Behavioral Ana-"

"What was that? What happened?" Emily asked, moving the phone closer to her.

"It went dead mid-message." Garcia said in a worried tone.

"I'll try her again, she prob-" The line went dead, a dial tone beeping through the car.

Derek slammed his hands on the wheel, "Damnit!"

You went to console him, but another message went out over the radio.

NYPD Radio, 8:11 pm: We have reports of two Federal Agents down, trapped in the blast zone. All available units respond.

"F-Federal Agents?" You felt a lump form in your throat and the pit in your stomach dig deeper.

Emily turned around and set a hand on your tense shoulder, "It's not him, I'm sure he was still in the building when the message went out. He and Kate weren't meant to leave for a few more minutes."

You nodded shakily, sucking in a deep breath.

The rest of the drive was quiet, the only noise coming from the engine and the loud sirens. Derek wasn't very gentle on the horn either, he may as well have sat on the goddamn thing.

Yet, with all the noise that Derek was making, it felt like you were in a bubble. It sounded like your ears were plugged, the noise sounding far away and distant. Your eyes went fuzzy and you could only make out the blurry shape of Emily and Derek in the front seat.

Your thoughts were trying to convince you that Aaron was fine, and he was handling the catastrophe inside the Federal Building. That he was completely safe the whole time, only hearing the explosion from the high floor of the field office.

When the car lurched to a stop, you quickly got out, forcing yourself to focus on the scene in front of you.

"Who's in charge here?" Derek asked, flashing his credentials at a random Bomb Squad member.

"Captain Warner." He answered, pointing to a tall man over by the police barricade.

The sight in front of you was awful. There was an SUV light up orange and yellow, tall flames shooting out of the broken windows.

"Captain Warner, I'm Agent Morgan, FBI." Derek said, you and Emily pulling out your creds as well. You finally pulled your eyes away from the SUV.

"I'm looking for Agent Hotchner," His name sent a shiver down your spine.

"Aaron Hotchner." Morgan said, trying to get an answer from the mean looking man.

Warner rolled his eyes with a sigh, "Go back to the Federal Plaza. There are evac marshaling spots. Check in and make sure they know where you are." He said with a bored tone.

"I am not about to do that." You injected yourself into the conversation.

"Get out of my face, or I'll have you bodily removed, Agent." Warner said, tilting his head to look down at you.

A familiar voice yelling pulled your focus.

"Please, we're here!!"

"Aaron." You breathed, the lump forming in your throat again. You followed your feet as they dragged you back to the police barrier.

"Hey, the area's restricted." A SWAT member told you.

You turned back around to look at Captain Warner, "That's my husband down there." A little white lie, but it didn't really matter. You just felt that it carried more authority than fiance.

Blinded by Hate | a.hotchnerWhere stories live. Discover now