Chapter 33*

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Warning: Sexual Content

Disclaimer: There are some pretty intense sexual actions in this chapter, more than anything that has happened so far. There is a lot more kink and BDSM themes, so; if you are uncomfortable with any of that or don't want to read it, this chapter is non-important to the plot (it's almost completely smut)

You slept surprisingly well, but the ache in your core did not let up. Aaron refused to do anything past kissing, wanting to savor today's activities. You and Aaron were the first to board the jet, sitting next to each other at the table. He was texting Emily almost nonstop, but he wouldn't let you see his screen. When Emily got on the plane, she handed you a small bag.

"Go to the bathroom, right now." She said quietly, gesturing for you to get up.

You walked into the cramped bathroom on the jet, starting to open the velvet bag she gave you. Before you could finish opening it, you got a text.

Emily: Put it in like a good little slut, and then come back out.

You furrowed your brow at the text, a pit of excitement forming in your stomach. There was a medium sized, purple vibrator sitting in the palm of your hand.

It was shaped in an L, the short stem curving slightly. You quickly unbuttoned your pants, pulling them and your underwear down enough to get the toy inside. The long stem reached up to your sweet-spot, the end rubbing slightly against it. The short arm nestled perfectly into your slit, the rounded off head pressing directly against your clit.

You heard the booming voice of Morgan join the jet, so you quickly pulled your underwear and pants up, taking a quick moment to make sure you didn't need to adjust the toy.

Leaving the bathroom, you gave Emily a small nod, sitting back down next to Aaron. When you sat, the toy shifted, pressing against both your g-spot and your clit. Only a small gasp left your mouth, Aaron smirking at it.

Since you didn't turn it on, you assumed the plane ride would be a breeze, the toy only there to warm you up. However, when Emily remotely turned the toy on its lowest setting, you gasped, louder this time.

Your hands tightened around your knees, your shoulders hunching slightly. Your phone distracted you, another text from Emily.

Emily: Don't even think about cumming on this plane, at least not without permission. You can ask your daddy or your mistress, but I highly doubt we'll let you. Understand?

Y/n: Yes.

Emily: Don't forget who you're fucking talking to, whore. I'll ask again, do you understand?

Y/n: Yes, Mistress.

Emily: Good girl, you can also call me Ma'am.

Y/n: Yes, Ma'am.

Emily gave you a nod at your last response, turning off the vibration. You let out a sigh, your shoulder relaxing.

"I see your Mistress is treating you well." Aaron whispered into your ear, the plane starting to take off from the tarmac.

"I don't know if I can endure nine hours of this." You told him, giving him a pleading look.

His eyes moved from your face, connecting with Emily's. You felt the toy turn back on, the vibration stronger than before. You grunted quietly, earning Aaron's angry glare. "I'd keep it down, princess, you'll only make things worse." He warned, nodding to Emily, the vibration finally stopping.

After a half hour of nothing from Emily, you finally relaxed, letting your head lay on Aaron's shoulder. He slid an arm around your waist, pulling you further into his body.

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