You nodded along, glad for the security measures for when you were going to be living here. Not if, when. You'd only been in the tower for a couple of minutes and it already felt like home. You hadn't even made it past the private areas yet, and you already felt it. "It's impressive," you finally said, not having anything more eloquent to say, and cursing yourself for that fact.

Happy flashed his badge to the security person. "Omega Y/N for her interview," he added on your behalf. The guard looked the pair of you over and let you pass without complaint. Happy led you into the elevator and pressed one of the buttons. You watched out the glass windows as the elevator rose quickly, rocketing smoothly up the tower. "We're heading to the common floor, it's a bit more personal than the floor where the business meetings are typically held. It's also more private." You understood that the Alphas would want to meet you in a more private setting, to get to know you away from interfering scents from the public.

You'd all be more comfortable in the private setting.

"You'll be meeting Captain Rogers first," Happy added.

You nodded your agreement. "Thank you, Beta," you said politely. He gave you a warm approving smile. You passed the security guard's assessment at least. You hadn't frozen up and broken down like most Omegas would have at the surprise, the press, the amazing prospect of meeting the Avengers.

There was hope for you yet.

You realized Happy's hand was no longer on you as the elevator doors opened. You had to pass the next test on your own merits. And the Alphas would get uncomfortable if they saw the Beta touching you, even so innocently and expectedly. It was safer to stay on the Alphas' good sides.

The doors opened to a giant living room with a huge TV, a bunch of comfortable furniture, video game systems, giant windows, and coffee and end tables. It had that too-clean look of someone who had cleaned for company. You expect that it didn't look this spotless most of the time. You could see a dining room with a large table and chairs past the living room and a kitchen.

You took a deep breath when you entered, evaluating your surroundings. It felt like home. It smelled like home, like pack, like belonging. You caught the different scents of the residents, both physical and psychic and got the taste and feel of them as you took in the feel of the place where you would be living and working.

A figure stepped out of the kitchen, bringing two glasses of ice water with him. He was extremely familiar from all of the media about him and you had no issues recognizing him. Captain Steve Rogers. He set the water glasses on one of the coffee tables before he made his way over to you. You noted instantly that he was an Alpha. Even if you hadn't already known it, you could tell from his scent, from the way he held himself. His very presence exuded competence and authority.

He was being cautious and gentle toward you, though, as was expected when meeting an unfamiliar Omega. You gave him a warm, reassuring smile as he approached.

"Captain, this is Omega Y/N, here for her interview," Happy explained from behind you, watching as Captain Rogers evaluated you from your scent and demeanor.

Captain Rogers nodded and you felt Happy relax. You'd passed the first hurdle with Captain Rogers. Your presence hadn't upset him enough to attack. It was a very rare occurrence, but it did sometimes happen that an Omega was so incompatible with someone that their very presence provoked an attack. Happy didn't have to try to protect you from this Alpha. "Thanks, Happy. I'll let you know when the interview is over," with that dismissal, Happy left you in safe, capable hands.

Captain Rogers turned his attention to you properly once Happy was gone. Something about him seemed to change, to relax in your presence. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Omega," he greeted you politely.

"It's an honor to meet you, Captain Rogers," you replied, just as politely and held your hand out to him to shake. He took your small hand in his huge warm one and shook it. His smile grew. He clearly liked what he felt about your presence.

"I thought it best that we have a conversation before I introduce you to the rest of the team," he explained when he let go of your hand again. You could feel the reluctance to let go of you. That was normal too. Alphas liked doting on Omegas and there weren't many in the tower. So Captain Rogers probably wasn't getting to indulge in those instincts properly.

You nodded again. "I appreciate the consideration," you replied, knowing this was another test. If you couldn't handle arguably the most palatable of the Alphas on the team, there was no way you'd be able to fit in here.

Little did Captain Rogers know, you were perfectly comfortable. This tower, strange and amazing as it was, felt like home. You belonged here. You just needed to prove that to him and the others on the team.  

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