Chapter 2

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"Lost a couple peices when I carried it, carried it, carried it home. I'm afraid of all i am my mind feels like a foreign land"

  Johnny didnt mean to make the kid bleed it was just a joke but he couldn't show mercy by being sorry. Especially not to someone he barely knew.. Even if he wanted to know him.

  Johnny and his friends got on there motorcycles to ride to the dojo. Unlike Daniel there ride was only five minutes it could have been less if they took a short cut

   They all parked there bikes in the front and walked inside they where early like always, they all put there gi's over there clothes.

   Soon more students walked in and sensai kreese walked out of his office " fall in" he yelled as the students quickly scrambled into rows

  Johnny in his normal spot in the front was already in position not wanting to make kreese mad

  Kreese raised a brow as he walked up and down the rows stopping I front of johnny " Mr Lawrence! Did i say what position to get into" he yelled

   Johnny flinched as his hands quickly fell to his side causing kreese to chuckle " did i scare you? Because i didnt know i had a class full of flinchers" He said but johnny knew that one wrong thing said would end up bad

   Kreese looked around the room before turning back to johnny and striking him right in the face " that would have been a time for you to flinch and block" he said

   Johnnys hand quickly went to his face as pain struck throughout him , his friends giving him apoleginic looks. Beside the fact that he could feel the black eye forming johnnys hands fell back to his side

  Kreese nodded in approval " Mr lawrence" he yelled once again which would add a headache to the pain

  Johnny didnt dare look up at him " yes sensai" he yelled back

   Kreese walked off to the side " warm them up" he said crossing his arms

   " hai!" Johnny yelled bowing to the front of the mirror the class following after him " hai!" He yelled standing back up slowly

   Johnny stared straight forward at the mirror watching his eye slowly start to bruise " fighting positions, ready, jab punch" he yelled

  When training was over he walked off to the side taking the gi off . it probaly would have been a better idea to just wear the gi but he didnt feel like going home to change

  Tommy and bobby where the first ones to come over after sensai kreese went into his office " hows your eye" Tommy asked

  Bobby rolled his eyes " obvisouly not good I mean look at him" he said getting a hit to the side from Tommy

  Johnny only shrugged and walked outside his friends following close behind him " its fine" johnny said sitting on his motorcycle

  Tommy sat on his sighing " what are you gonna tell your mom " he asked, Tommy was probably the most caring of the group and that was saying alot

   Johnny shrugged " ill tell her what i tell her everytime.. A rooky didnt learn how to kick right and kicked me in the face, or mabye sparing went wrong and i got a jab punched " he said

   The four gave puzzled looks towards johnny but honestly they werent supprised " ive told more lies and excuses for the past five years then the truth" he said which was more or less true for the whole group

   Dutch and Jimmy nodded in agreement " yeah i guess your right" Jimmy mumbled

   Johnny reved the motorcycle untill it started and he drove out of the parking lot with his friends close behind him.

   They took the long way around the beach and towards where the five lived which anyone who didnt live there would call the rich neighborhood. Jimmys house was the first on on the street so he was the first one to leave the group.

  Then dutch, then bobby, then Tommy. Johnny on the other hand had the biggest house which was at the end of the street. He stopped in the driveway and parksed the bike going inside.

   His mom walked out of the living room frowning " aw sweetie are you okay? What happend" she asked wlaking over to take a look at johnnys eye

   Johnny didnt know what he would do without his mom " im alright mom, i was sparing with dutch and he accidentally hit me to hard" johnny said in a softer voice so she wouldnt ask any more questions

   His mom nodded " you have to be more careful sweetie, theres a ice pack in the freezer " she said

   Johnny half smiled as she walked back into the living room he ignored his step dads voice and walked into the kitchen getting the ice pack and running up the stairs.

   He sat on his bed iceing his eye in hope that it would go away faster. There were two thoughts he couldn't stop thinkig, one of the tan boy he never caught the name of and the other that he didnt think he could do this anymore.


Thanks for everyone who is reading this cause i didnt think anyone would. I was watching cobra kai when i got the idea for this book . But earlier i was watching the karate kid scrolling through Tumblr and i came across this fanart of tommy and bobby and my heart like melted. So now i ship them so hard and i realised they never really got enough credit so im gonna do them justice and write a fan fix because i couldn't find any. Any way thanks for reading ill update again tommorow

- author

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2021 ⏰

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