My Apologies

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A/N: Sorry if this is unprofessional, but I wanted to have a quick message saying thanks for over 100 reads & 10 favorites!! I'm not sure how it works but I'm very thankful that anyone is reading my stuff. This is my first time writing something like this on any public space, so feel free to leave any criticisms or suggestions, I'm always open! Thanks again, love y'all <3


Ishimaru Kiyotaka, the stuck up hall monitor, the ultimate moral compass who couldn't do anything out of society's comfort zone never had any friends growing up. His first ever friend... it had only been a week, but he'd gotten so attached to another person's company. His heart ached thinking about how lonely studying would be again.

Oowada Mondo, the gang leader, the biker who couldn't follow the rules even if he wanted to. He's always been someone who doesn't care about anything, so his studies have always failed. A week isn't long enough to break years of bad habits, and he knew after losing his friendship with Taka, he would go back to his bad grades.

It could've been very dramatic, so very heart warming. Mondo could've ran down the halls to catch up to Taka, explain what had really happened, what was really on his mind, explain how he didn't know why a week of studying could be used to cut his heart so deep. But, he didn't. Taka could've told him that he felt like his life was finally changing for the better, that he could finally get out of his comfort zone. But he didn't even get the chance to.

"Hey," Kyoko called out silently, trying to get the much taller Mondo's attention, "hey, can we talk?" Mondo pretended not to notice her, quickening his pace in an attempt to get her to back off, but instead she quickened her pace in response. She wasn't as good of a walking partner as Taka.

"You have to work it out with him," Kyoko whispered harshly to him, to which he stopped suddenly. Kyoko did as well, but a bit ahead of him, as she wasn't quite expecting it.

"Why the hell do you fucking care, you're so goddamn annoying," Mondo hissed, his lips curled up in a rather violent way. Kyoko flinched just a little, bit regained her posture just as quick.

"If you want to know, then you can. I'm actually really interested in you two."

Mondo had no clue what she meant, and he wasn't really in the mood to find out.

"Both of you make such a nice pair... as friends, It could be beneficial for both of you, that much is definitely true."

Mondo considered running away at that very moment to catch her off guard and escape, but he found he didn't even have the energy to move.

"But, basically, your actions are so... cryptic. I need to study your behaviors more. It's something that I haven't really seen, I'm guessing it's because you two are polar opposites."

"We just got ta be friends, ma'am," Mondo explained, pinching the bridge of his nose as he shook his head in disapproval. "Isn't that enough for you? It's just... awkward. Or, was." The last part stung a little, and got an affirmative grunt from Kyoko.

"Well, that would be a good assumption," she began, abruptly bringing up her pointer finger in a very dramatic way, "however, if you two were so awkward, then why are your actions both so... deliberate?"

"Huh," was all Mondo could get out. He was low on energy and still stuck on the conflict from earlier.

"When the teacher walked in... you both snapped to attention at your desks. At the same time. That's in character for Taka, but not for you, and you didn't react to what he was doing... it was natural for you."

Kyoko went on about her points, all valid, but Mondo wasn't really listening. They started to walk and talk down the stairs and to the entrance of the library. The detective was lecturing on about something relating to the human psyche when he cut her off to slide into the door.

She eyed him as he left, a little hurt, but she got the message. After all, he was doing what she wanted him to do... or at least, she hoped he would. However, as soon as Mondo realized that Taka was nowhere to be found in the library, the doors slammed back open.

"He's not there," Mondo said, a little alarmed, "he's always here, he's always studyin'." Kyoko, with her hand on her chin, shifted her eyes away in thought.

"There's nothing of his in the library?" She asked, looking back to Mondo, "No books or anything he could've left behind? He might've gone to the bathroom or something." Mondo shook his head though, as the table they would always go to study was completely empty.

"It's stupid, but I kinda have a feeling he's..." Mondo trailed off, hand scratching the back of his neck, "I have a feeling he's in the lab room." Kyoko's eyes lit up.

"Oh, that was your first friendly encounter, I remember that," she said in agreement, smiling brightly.

"How do you remember it? You weren't involved," Mondo responded harshly.

"You were both so loud. I think everyone in that room was involved," Kyoko said bluntly, brushing her hair back as she began walking to thestairs. Mondo groaned and followed.

Without word, they arrived, and Mondo was already sick of being with Kyoko. Maybe that worked out for him, as now he'd much rather be in Taka's company. They both walked into the lab room, but the moral compass wasn't there either.

"Huh, strange," Mondo said, his hand back to scratching his neck, "I had a darn good feeling about this." Kyoko went back to being lost in thought as Mondo turned his eyes to the ground. He wasn't even sure why he would want to make things better with Taka. It wasn't an active thought, he didn't have to remind himself that he would start getting detention again to motivate him to do it, he just genuinely wanted to.


The familiar voice of Taka made the room really tense, however when Mondo turned around to face him, he saw Kyoko with a grin on her face. She was gone before he could even get a word out, which left the two alone in the lab room. Mondo's intuition was right after all.

"Taka, we've been looking for you," Mondo said with relief in his voice, which made Taka feel just a little better, "well, mostly me. But that girl was tagging along for some reason."

"Why have you been looking?" Taka asked, his voice dark and gloomy, "Do you want to convince me to not give you detention?" Mondo shook his head vigorously and started to reach out and start talking, but Taka stepped back. "I can assure you, I don't care." That stung Mondo a little bit.

"Hey, man, I wanted to tell you what really happened," Mondo pleaded, intending to explain himself, ignoring how Taka's disapproving gaze cut right through him, "yes, I did start hanging out with you to get on your good side and get outta detentions 'n shit." Taka averted his gaze, and Mondo saw his eyes start to go watery.

"But I started to really like hangin' out wit' you!" This got Taka's eyes back on him, but his eyes were still tearing up. "I do feel really really bad about how it started, but I do really really hope we can be friends again. I felt my life starting to get better, honest."

Taka's eyes shifted back towards the ground, not from being mad, but from embarrassment. His face was starting to grow red as well. Mondo just chuckled and took a step towards the other, their distance getting smaller and smaller.

"I've never had a friend before, really," Taka started, looking at Mondo to see he had his full attention before averting his gaze once again, "and it was really great when we were together. So, of course we can stay friends." Mondo grinned widely before Taka started to shout, "but you have to make it up to me!"

"Oh, how?" Mondo asked, his face showing his confusion.

"Stay with me forever." Mondo's eyes went wide at this statement, and Taka blushed seeing how he was misinterpreted. "Well, y'know, I mean... no matter what, don't let anything get in the way of our friendship."

"You got it, bud," Mondo said, his grin returning as he ruffled up Taka's hair. That put a smile on his face as well, and once again he felt comfortable. The crisis was averted, and they would stay friends, just as both of them wanted... just as Kyoko and their teacher wanted as well.

My Moral Compass Points Straight to You (Ishimondo)Where stories live. Discover now