"Good morning," Regina greeted and Emma put her hand on her forehead.

"Not so loud," she said softly and groaned. "Good morning to you, too," she added with a soft voice and finished brushing her teeth.

She looked at Regina, who was still standing in the doorway of the bathroom. "Regina, I don't know all the things I did and say last night, so if I said anything offending, I'm sorry."

"I think embarrassing fits better."

Emma's eyes widened and she slowly shook her head. "What did I do?"

Regina shrugged and couldn't hide a slight smile. "What do you remember?" She was leaning against the doorway as she saw the feeling of pure embarrassment and regret wash over Emma's face.

"I remember getting in the bar, drinking those shots and talking to you about.. whatever. And then I remember us going home and.. that's about it."

"So, you don't remember anything about the moment you walked up to a woman, said, and I quote: "Regina over here is super gay and she wants to have sex tonight. I'm not having sex with her tonight, but she does have a tongue that will move and twirl in ways you can't imagine". That's where I pulled you away and you went off to flirt with a guy, then you fucked him - I believe his name was Graham - in one of the bathroom stalls, came back to me, who was meanwhile really hitting it off with that woman. I almost kissed her, but you interrupted by saying you wanted to go home."

Emma groaned loudly and rubbed her temples. She shook her head and looked at Regina. "Please tell me this isn't what really happened."

Regina pursed her lips together to suppress a smile. "I really wish I could."

Emma grabbed some aspirins from the small cabinet that hung above the bathroom sink. She grabbed a glass and filled it with water before she popped two white pills in her mouth to stop the burning headache. She drank the water and groaned again.

"Lucky for you, you still have about nine hours to prepare yourself for tonight," Regina said with a serious voice. She did feel bad for Emma, truly, but she also knew it really was the blonde's fault. If she didn't want to be hungover, she shouldn't have drunk so much.

Emma looked in disbelief at Regina and slowly shook her head. "Oh God.. can we please cancel that? I'm really not in the mood to socialize."

Regina shrugged. "You should have thought of that before. Now, just go get some rest. I'll get you a bucket for if you still need to vomit."

The blonde looked disappointed and Regina felt like she had to convince Emma more if she wanted her to go back to bed. For her, it always helped a lot to just sleep through the hungover.

"I know I promised to go, but you can't let me meet them like this." Emma formed her lips into a pout, but Regina didn't budge. She looked sternly at her ex-wife and sighed softly.

"You do know you did this to yourself? This wasn't my idea, you're the one who dragged me to the bar," Regina responded. "You're coming tonight and make sure you look presentable. I really suggest you get some sleep."

Emma rolled her eyes and twitched her upper lip in contempt. Her head was heavy and she hated herself for drinking so much the previous night. But she disliked Regina more for forcing her to go to a dinner, simply to impress people neither of them liked.

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