Chapter 5: Chaos Ensues

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I woke up and looked around, remembering all that has happened in the past few days. With only Cora left, I don't know what to do. She's injured, and I couldn't help her. Why? Because my power would freeze the bullets inside of her legs, making it worse overall.

Buck: Kid, you need to get up.


I got up as instructed.

Buck: Never mind, you might want to sit down for this.


Buck: I'm sorry, but Glacier didn't make it.

Hearing that shattered me. My entire squad, wiped out in two days.

"Why... "

Buck: Why what.

"Could y-you lea-leave."

Buck: Sure, I guess. Don't do anything rash.

He left, and I was alone with my thoughts. Everything was my fault. Every. Single. Thing. All mine. Grinch, I was too slow. Glacier, I don't know. I don't know what I could've done, but I know I could've done something. Suddenly, someone was knocking.

Dokkaebi: Can I come in.

"Leave me alone."

Dokkaebi: Come on, let me in.


Dokkaebi: Please.

"Ugh, fine."

I got up and opened the door.

"What did you-"

Dokkaebi: I need to talk to you.


Dokkaebi: So, Glacier said to tell you that someone in team Rainbow is an imposter.

"As in?"

Dokkaebi: A White Mask spy...

"Great. Any clues?"

Dokkaebi: Sadly, no.

"Of course."

Dokkaebi: Also, how are you.

"Truthfully? Not good."

Dokkaebi: Listen. If you ever need someone, I'm always here.

"Ok. Can you leave now?"

Dokkaebi: Sure.

She left, and I was left with nothing but my thoughts. My stomach growled, so I decided to go to the cafeteria. When I arrived, I noticed that the only operators there were Lion and Echo.

Echo: So, when's the next 'mission.'

Lion: I don't know, but command will tell us.

They noticed me, but I acted like I heard nothing and went to the line.

"Could I get a standard English breakfast?"

LL: Sure.

She got it for me, and I took it sitting down at a table in the back left of the cafeteria. I was halfway done when Lion approached.

Lion: Hey recruit.


Lion: What did you hear of our conversation?

"I only heard like two words. I was too far away. Why?"

Lion: Oh, it was just confidential information.

"Oh, okay. Have a nice day!"

Lion: You too.

Something is very, very suspicious here. Should I tell Dokkaebi? Maybe. Maybe not. I guess I should, since I know I can trust her. I quickly finished up my food and went looking for Dokkaebi.

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