Chapter 3: First Mission, Going Solo!

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A/N: It's crazy bro. Rn, 3 of the top 10 books in #rainbowsixsiege are mine. Thanks for all of the love and support.

Subzero POV:

I woke up to Buck's voice.

Buck: Wake up! We have a mission!


Buck: There are 2 bombs in a Chalet in Canada. We need to locate them, defuse them, and leave. Any questions?

"Yeah. Are you going, too?"

Buck: Nope.

"Can I lead?"

Buck: Of course.

"Alright boys, gear up. We'll be leaving in 10."

I grabbed my MCX and P226 and left for the helicopter. Soon after, everyone else arrived.

"Glacier and Grinch will sit in the back with me. The others go in front. I'm talking about the helicopter seats by the way."

R2: Yes, ma'am.

"YeS Ma'Am"

I got in and everyone else did, too.

Jäger: Alright, it'll be a while before we get there.


Grinch: I'm gonna go to bed.


He soon fell asleep.

Glacier: So... what do we do?

"What do you mean?"

Glacier: Everyone else is asleep.

"Hmmm... I can tell you a secret."

Glacier: What?

"I think that Ash is my sister."

Glacier: Seriously?

"Ya. My sister was named Eliza, same hair color, too.

Glacier: But the chances of that.

"I know, but it's slim. Not zero."

Glacier: True. Do you know her last name?

"Sadly, no."

Glacier: Maybe when we get back you can ask.

"Hopefully. So, how're you."

Glacier: I'm okay. Can't complain.

Jäger: We're almost there.

"Alright. Thanks."

Glacier: You ready?

"As ready as I'll ever be."

Grinch woke up.

Grinch: Are we almost there?

Glacier: Actually, yes.

"And then I'll make the plans."

Jäger: We're here.

"Alright guys. Get out."

We all got out and stared at the massive Chalet.

"Two squads. Either Glacier or Grinch will lead group Bravo."

Grinch: I'll do it.

"Grinch, R1 through 4, you're group Bravo. R5-8, Glacier, and I will be Alpha. Any questions?"

Grinch: Where do we enter?

"We're going through the top floor, you're going through the basement. We'll meet in the kitchen on floor 1."

I rappelled on the side of the place and broke the barricades window, seeing 3 terrorists. I quickly killed them before they could do anything.

"3 tangos down. Room's clear."

Grinch: Alright, rappelling in.

Both of us went in the window and saw a staircase to the right, and a bedroom and a bathroom in front.

"Let's go through the bedroom. Watch our six."

Grinch: Yessir.

We began to push up and Grinch stayed slightly back to cover the flank.

"I'm gonna breach the wall. Put a claymore on the stairs."

He left and I placed the charge. He came back. I put up 3 fingers, then 2, then 1. I activated the charge, and the wall exploded. Bullets came raining from the other side, so I returned fire.

Grinch: Reloading, cover me.

I peaked and managed to kill about half of them before I ran out of ammo.

"Cover me."

Grinch: I gotchu.

His claymore blew up.

"Shit, breach the wall over there and cover the flank."

Grinch: You're good here?

"Yeah, just go."

He did as instructed as I peaked again. One was hiding behind a little half-wall, so I shot him through it. One came from the doorway to my right, and rushed me. I grabbed his vest and shoved him into the wall, knocking him out. I shot him in the head and continued on.

Over radio: "Grinch, come back."

Grinch: I need help on the flank.

I reloaded and went back, only to find Grinch dead with five masks smoking cigarettes. Is hot four, and tackled the other one. I grabbed his hair and threw him out of the broken window.

"Grinch... I'm sorry."

I grabbed his dog tags and went to the first floor.

Over radio: Glacier: Subzero, we're pinned down in the garage.

"Got it, flanking now."

I ran down the stairs and pushed through a room with wine barrels into a little connecter. Glacier and the others were barely hanging on. Then, I saw it. Glacier was hit in the chest. The others were riddled with bullets next.


I rushed through the room, punching the shot out of all of my opponents. One grabbed his L85, but it didn't work because he dropped it. (L85's suck.) I karate-chopped his neck and he died on impact. I executed the rest of them, and went over to Glacier.

Glacier: Sub... zero.


Glacier: What's your name?

"It's Y/N."

Glacier: At least I'll know that before *cough* I die.

"No, you can't die. I already lost Grinch."

Glacier: No promises.

"Please... please..."

Glacier: If I don't make it, just know it wasn't your fault.

"Don't say that. You're gonna make it."

I picked her up bridal style.

Glacier: Oww....

"Sorry, but I have to get you to Doc."

I carried her all the way to the evac sight and put her on the helicopter.

Doc: What happened? Where's everyone else?


Doc: Oh...

"Just... help her."

Doc: Of course.

I sat in a seat, and Doc took Cora somewhere. I eventually passed out.


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