Bandaids ~ Bandaids

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Ship: Bandaids (Ibuki Mioda x Mikan Tsumuki)

Yes I did name the title bandaids, and yes the ship is called bandaids. Bandaids was a fitting name and i liked it- sO nOW wE haVe a OnE sHOT cAllEd BaNdaIdS ~ baNdaIds-

anygays, lets get to the point- no one requested this i just wanted fluff and hence this happened. It takes place in a non despair au, not that it's really important to the plot but yUh- um chile anyways so, please dont say this ship is toxic just cause mikan kills ibuki- mikan wasnt in her right mind when it happened, and i find it so cute that ibukis always calling mikan adorable, and this is one of my comfort ships so pls no attacky ;-;


"A-ah!" Mikan squealed when she opened the door to the nurses office, only so see Ibuki with blood coming down her chin and a small bump on her forehead. "M-Mioda-chan! Wh-what h-h-happened?" She stuttered out, rushing Ibuki over to a hospital bed.

"Whaat! Mikan is totally freaking out over Ibuki! I cant believe it!" Ibuki shouted, seemingly not even noticing she was hurt.

"A-ah, im so sorry!" Mikan mumbled, tearing up a bit.

"Dont be sorry! Ibuki just fell off the stage when she was dancing with Hiyoko. Wooaahhh- Your eyes are a really pretty purple you know that?" Ibuki asked, tilting her head a bit as Mikan tears dried up a bit though she was still sniffling.

"Re-really?" The shorted muttered, before she flinched back up again. "Im s-sorry for th-th-thinking my eye a-are pretty!"

"Ibuki thinks you shouldn't be sorry, your eyes are just really pretty! You should be happy Mikan!" The other shouted, smiling a bit at Mikan to reassure her it was okay to think her eyes were pretty.

"Th-thank you M-Mioda-Chan." Mikan said, smiling a bit as well as she got out some rubbing alcohol and a few bandaids. "T-this mi-might hurt a-a bit."

"Ibuki can handle anything!" Ibuki said, smiling even more, not noticing how close Mikan had gotten to clean the blood off of her chin. Mikan giggled a bit, and moved a bit closer to Ibuki, which finally caught her attention.

"Wow! This is the closest Ibuki has ever gotten to such an adorable girl!" She shouted, blushing a bit as she watched Mikan's face heat up.

"I-im so-sorry!"

"Its fine! Ibukis is very much enjoying this!" Mikan started smiling again as she put the bandaid on Ibuki's chin. 

"There you go! All better!" Mikan said, a small sense of satisfactions arose in her when Ibuki hopped off the hospital bed, smiling even wider if that was possible.

"Mikan took such good care of Ibuki! Ibuki should reward her with a kiss!" The taller shouted, puckering her lips and kissing Mikan's cheek softly, before starting to skip out, leaving the squealing and flustered Mikan behind.

"Th-thank you -for th-the k-k-kiss Ibuki!" Mikan shouted, hiding her face in her apron smiling softly to herself as she held her cheek right where Ibuki had kissed her.


This is my shortest one shot lmao- I had no idea what to put near the end so yUh-

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