Believe In Me

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Because no one else will.
All I want to hear is the cheers from the closest fans,
Chugging the biggest beer
Just in honor of me.

But no,
All I am met with is cold.
Shoulders turning just as I go to hold them and tell them thank you.
It means alot to me,
I feel you,
I'll see you at my next show.

Instead a line of superficial kisses, and the ultra-critial calls from Misses Booze greet me at the door.

Dancing in my eyes.
Effectively telling me,
You didn't fit the bill.
You didn't make cut.
You should just quit while you're ahead.
You're not ready to get in bed with this type of game.

This is seems familiar.

For I am the old man in this story.
Weathered down after forty.

Forwarded to years following.
Hoping that my loyalty
Was the real reason why they stayed till my thirties.

Was it my
Photography ?
Or my heart you found in the core of my artistry?
That kept you playing with me.

Kept you tuning into the next post I messed up
The next concept I fail to bring to life.?
"It wasn't enough fire there" they said,
"You have to keep going till yo dying day" I shout back in rage.

Fadin into all the other screams,
Running through the streets.
Looking for purpose and maybe something to eat.

Kept you coming back till the next comment wasn't worth it.
The next like had too much work in it.
The next veiw... Wasn't there... Took to long to load it seems.
Leaving only a few ways forward to comfort me.

Will they ever come for me when I need them?
Will they lend me their energy to me?
Letting me break boundary after boundary,
Going farther and farther away with my city on my back.
In fact ....
Come on ... We got work to do
It's to much pride we lack

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