Chapter 1

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Sarah's POV

Hi, I'm Sarah Lupin-Black. I'm 15 and the daughter of Remus Lupin and Sirius Black. They've taken care of me for as long as I can remember and adopted me last year. I've never been outside, they say it's not safe. I used to want to go outside all the time but I kind of gave up complaining, I knew father wouldn't let me, no matter how often I asked. I've never seen other people then them either, for some odd reason they want to keep me a secret. I've asked my dad about it but he would just find an excuse to avoid the question. Recently there have been secret meetings with some people my father liked to call 'Order of

the Phoenix' in the kitchen but whenever I asked if I could join one father would tell me to go upstairs and not come down until they came to get me. This was every Monday and Thursday, occasionally even on a Sunday. I tried sneaking down the first few times but I eventually gave up on that.

I check the time, 11:30 AM, I should probably go downstairs. I sigh and get up from my bed. I go to my dresser and grab my favorite sweater, some black pants and some socks. I grab a towel from a different drawer and head to the bathroom. I take a quick shower and get ready for another day of doing... well nothing.

"Good morning dad," I walk down the stairs and kiss my dad, Remus Lupin, on his cheek while grabbing some toast.

"Good morning, sleep well?"

"Yes I did," I smile at him and go sit at the table with my plate, "where's father?"

"I'm not sure actually, last time I saw your father was in his office," he replied, grabbing some toast and joining me.

We talk for a bit when my father, Sirius Black, finally enters the kitchen.

"Morning, Sarah," he simply says and grabs a cup of tea.

"Morning," I smiled lightly.

Me and my father, Sirius Black, have never had that special bond me and dad had. Father was a bit more reserved. My dad understood how I felt and always seemed to be able to calm me down whenever needed. Dad would often come up to my room whenever he got bored in the Order meetings and would tell me everything that was happening, explaining all their plans and stuff like that. I enjoyed those times, it made me feel like I really was loved by at least one of my dads.

"If you will excuse me, I'll be in my room, doing absolutely nothing," I say sarcastically and go up to my room.

I hear the two of them talking to each other but I couldn't be bothered to try and understand them so I just run upstairs and go into my room. I go to my dresser, grab a rectangular box that's in the back of the dresser and go sit on my bed. I open the box and it reveals the wand my dad got me for my birthday last spring. Father doesn't know about it so we both have to hide it from him. Dad gives me secret lessons on how to use it whenever father is out of the house. He recently taught me the patronus charm, I've been trying to conjure it ever since but it won't work.

I think of a happy memory, "Expecto Patronum!"


I sigh and continue with some other spells my dad taught me. Before I knew it it was 5:30 PM. I put the wand back in the box and go hide it in the dresser again. I make my way downstairs and without thinking I open the kitchen door.

Merlin, it's Thursday.

I see people at the table, all staring at me now. One redhead caught my attention, and looked like he had a twin as well. He smiles at me. I look to the floor, prepared to be yelled at.

George's POV

I saw the door open and glance up and then double take when I see her. I didn't want Fred to catch me staring at the girl and tried to be subtle about it. Knowing Fred, I knew he would catch on pretty quickly and find out exactly who I was staring at and start teasing me about it.

"Like what you see George? You know it's not polite to stare," I hear him whisper in my ear.

"I uhm... no, and I wasn't staring."

"In that case, you won't mind if I go say hello will you?" he starts standing up.

I quickly pull him down, "Don't! Fred, please! If she meets you first I won't stand a chance!" I whisper yelled

He sits back down and nods.

Fred's POV

I was shocked about what he said.

If she meets you first I won't stand a chance!

I could see he really meant it and it hurt me thinking he thinks like that, I've known he's struggled with his self-esteem for a while, it was always there but it kept growing any time girls would talk to him to get close to me or people call us Fred and George, instead of George and Fred. It killed me to see him like this but anytime I would bring it up he would just walk away or start about something else, I gave up after a while.

This was the first time I've ever seen George look at a girl like that. And I really want him to be happy so if there was even the slightest chance he could get it with her, I would definitely stay away from her until he talked with her.

Sarah's POV

"Sirius, who's the pretty girl?" I heard a woman say, I think it's the mother of the redheaded bunch.

"This is... uhm.."

"This is our daughter, Sarah," my dad cut him off. I looked at him and he gave me a warm smile and I gladly returned it.

"How come you've never told us about her?" I hear her ask again.

I was in the mood to blurt some stuff out but instead I decided to lean against the door frame and finally look up again, and to my surprise the same redhead was still looking at me. He quickly turned away when he saw I was looking at him.

"We just- uhm I don't actually know," father admitted.

The woman shakes her head in disappointment and walks towards me.

"Hi dear, I'm Molly Weasley, please call me Molly," she smiles at me and gives me a hug, I smile at her once she pulls back, "I'm sure you will meet everyone properly soon!"

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