Rias:Don't worry I'm willing to do anything for you as long as it makes you happy.

Ikki:A-Anything to make me happy

Rias:Yes my darling~

Just then someone knocks on the door.

Shizuku:Big brother are you awake it's time for breakfast

Rias:Huh shoot I completely forgot about breakfast.

Ikki:Coming Shizuku just give me a minute.

Rias:Oh well I guess we'll continue this later right Ikki~

Ikki:Ummmm sure.

The two teens get dressed into their uniforms and go downstairs for breakfast.

Miya:This is so good I know your technically foreign but this tastes real.

Rias:Well I've been living here for awhile now

Ikki:Either way I've never had something this good thanks Rias

Rias:Thank you that was sweet

Shizuku gives Ikki the pouting face since she was trying to cook like their mother as well.

Miya:I have to admit I was excited when you wanted to live here you've done so much with the cooking

Rias:Helping you is only natural mother but would it be okay for the club members to come over today

Miya:Sure it's fine


Rias:The old school building is having its annual spring cleaning so the occult research club won't be able to meet there this afternoon

Ikki:Oh okay having the club members over would be fun I'll host it.

After breakfast Ikki and Rias head to Kuoh Academy Rias held on to her boyfriends arm and put it in between her breasts which Ikki only chuckled along with Rias chuckling also.As the couple walked on the campus glances,whispers,and grumbles could be heard from the students.

The girls where disappointed that a cute boy like Ikki was now taken but some were in support of how great they looked together.

Female student 1:Ohhhh~look~it's Ikki and Rias I didn't know they were together.

Female student 2:Its so cute

Female student 3:(Blushing)I wish Ikki was my boyfriend He's so sweet and such a hunk have you seen him in Gym class.

However the boys were more than upset. Ikki wasn't there favorite person to begin with considering how popular he was with the girls but it only increased since he now has Rias for himself but no one wanted to fight him he wasn't someone to mess with.

During the school day Ikki was sitting in class looking about his new relationship with Rias.

Ikki:(Thinking)Rias has been way nicer to me ever since that fight with Riser and Shizuku keeps getting weird about it I wonder why.

Issei:Hey Ikki whatchu staring into space for bro.

Ikki:Huh oh hey what's up Issei

Issei:I gotta tell you something there are some rumors about you going around school.

Ikki:What rumors?

Issei:About you messin around with super hot ladies making a path for evil
Also you using Rias and Akeno for some nasty stuff.Another one his you using your charm on Koneko saying you devoured her and finally someone's saying you and Kiba are gay for each other.

Ikki's Devil Life 2Where stories live. Discover now