last chapter (actually)

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(this is the last chapter actually i was just being lazy so i decided to make this chapter the last one)

Atsumu pov

I stayed with omi for a week since he felt a little sick but i woke up because I heard someone crying behind me i woke up and turn around and i see omi sweating and crying he was muffling my name but he was crying so he is having a nightmare

"Omi" i whispered softly and moving him a little

"Omiiiii~ wake up your having a nightmare"I said trying to wake him up but instead he grab my hand and pulled me into a hug

"eek I guess I'm stuck now omi omi~wake up your having a bad dream"

"A-atsu ple-ase"he started crying again

"Omi what nightmare are you having"

I start to play with his hair and tried to wake him up




"Yeah when did I die"

"I thought you died since you didn't survive the surgery"he said in tears crying and hugging me without leaving me react

"Surgery?why would I had one"I was confused but my baby was crying maybe that was the nightmare he had

"Ye-ah youhadlungcancerandyouhadtohaveasurgerybutyoudidnotsurviveit"I understood nothing he said since he was still crying on my shoulder hugging me

"Sorry omi I understood nothing calm down I'm okay you were having a nightmare calm down and explain what happened in the dream"I took him out of the hug and out him infront of him his eyes were puffy and swollen it hurts seeing him like that

"So can you tell me what happened In the dream"

"Okay you had lung cancer and you were gonna have a surgery for it but you had to do it earlier and when you had it you didn't make it and you passed away" he said it with his eyes getting watery

"Omi I will never leave your side and plus im healthy "I said looking at him

"You said that also in the dream and you died"he started crying again

Omi I won't leave I promise"I said before I stood up to get a tissue box

"Promise"he look so innocent and cute

"yes promise"I said giving him a tissue and bringing him down back to the bed so I can comfort him and cuddle him

"I will never break the promise omi"

(😅✌️Hey this is the last chapter I felt kinda not happy with the ending of him dying I was gonna make sakusa died also but decided not to that will be another story
-jen<( ̄︶ ̄)>

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