"Get the picture now?"

We watched the walkers bang against the door, shuddering as it got louder. Then a Walker comes forward with a brick raised above its head, hitting the glass.

I thought back to earlier when a Walker grabbed the ladder and what I thought then.

'Those fuckers wouldn't know a brick from a bottle.'

I was wrong, apparently, they do.

"Oh, God." Andrea gasped as we collectively began retreating to the back. "What the hell were you doing out there anyway?"

Rick looked at her briefly before turning to the door again, which was splintering more with every hit.

"Trying to flag the helicopter." He replied as we stopped at the back of the room. I nodded in agreement as I saw it too.

The man I still didn't know the name of scoffed at Rick's answer.

"Helicopter? Man, that's crap. Ain't no damn helicopter."

I furrowed my brow as the woman I also didn't know the name of agreed.

"You were chasing a hallucination, imagining things." She agreed, "It happens."

Rick looked angry for a second as he pressed his case.

"I saw it." He remarked, standing his ground.

"Me too, I saw it before Rick was swarmed." I defended, looking at them all before focusing on Rick to show I had his back.

They seemed unsure for a second before Morales turned his head to the man.

"Hey, T-Dog, try that C.B. Can you contact the others?"

The man - who I now know is T-dog - held up the walkie in his hands and started changing the airwaves, only picking up static.

Rick looked as if he perked up at this.

"Others? The refugee centre?" He interjected, looking back at me as I shake my head. I didn't know anything, I was only supposed to be in America for a 2-week holiday with my best friend.

We looked towards the woman - god I feel so rude calling her that. What is her name? - as she eyeballed Rick as if he were a child.

"Yeah, the refugee centre." She mused. "They've got biscuits waiting at the oven for us."

My eyes narrowed at her as T-dog jumped into the conversation.

"Got no signal." He announced. "Maybe the roof."

As if on cue, we hear gunfire from above us, most likely on the roof.

Our heads snap up at the sound.

"Oh no." Andrea breathed. "Is that Dixon?"

"What is that maniac doing" Morales grumbled angrily as more gunfire is heard.

Glenn looked to pale as we turn to the backdoor. "Come on, let's go." He urged as we turned tail and ran.

Fight With You - Daryl Dixon TWDWhere stories live. Discover now