Chapter 5- Wednesday

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3rd POV
(Wait to play song... also due to Izuku shinso decided to stay in the class but he was not aloud to preform. He was mainly there for mental support for Izuku)

Izuku woke up to the sound of his alarm clock, he quickly shut it off. He was glad his boyfriend and son were deep sleepers in moments like this. He looked over and seen Jace on his back and Katzu laying in his chest he quickly grabbed his phone and took a picture of it "Goodmorning Beautiful" Jace said startling Izuku "G-good morning... I thought you were still asleep?" Izuku whispered "I've been up for a little bit I just didn't want to move Kat or wake you up before you needed to get up" he said. Izuku just smiled as h kissed his cheek and Katzu on the top of his head then got up to take a shower and continue with his morning routine. Mentally preparing himself for today. He knew this was going to be a rough day between him and Katsuki and hopefully it wouldn't be such a big ordeal. They both moved past it but Izuku still remembers it all. It was something that he would never be able to forget. He could forgive but forgetting would take a very long time to do. Him and Denki exchanged phone numbers and were texting each other. Izuku was happy that he finally had someone not just as a friend but also someone who he could help as well. He also told Izuku that he was going to actually sing today instead of reading something or playing a song. Izuku was happy for his friend. As he went to say goodbye to Jace and Katzu he noticed they were dressed and eating breakfast. Izuku being a confused little bean asked what they were doing. "I'm taking Kat to Shiggy, Dad asked if I could go to school with you and he knows today may be a little difficult for you." Jace said. "Oh, okay. Well I'll go with you to drop him off" Izuku said and Jace shook his head no "I can't come until a little later Dad said he will text me when everyone but Todo, Bakugo, Kami and you haven't gone yet. They said I could come." He replied back, Izuku just said he understood. After he ate some breakfast he kissed Jace goodbye and told him he would see him shortly and hugged and kissed Katzu goodbye telling him to be good for Uncle Shiggy and he said he would with a big smile. Before he left he told Kat that today may be a hard day for him but to stay with Uncle Shiggy and he would be okay that daddy will be there with him and he nodded and gave Izu one last hug and said "I love you mommy" "I love you too baby" with that Katzu ran back to the table to finish breakfast and Izuku closed the door using his shadows to teleport himself into the class room.

As we walked through his shadows he noticed no one was there yet that he realized he was 45 minutes early since he didn't walk here. So like usual he sat down at his desk falling asleep. Today was different. Everyone was quiet when they came in when they seen Izuku was sleeping, no one bothered him. They also realized Uraraka wasn't there, no one said anything as they didn't really care and was happy she was gone 'less drama for us all. Especially Izuku' they all thought. Aizawa came in and told them to let Izuku sleep a little longer, that they could do whatever they wanted for the next 30 minutes and he would wake Izuku up then. Aizawa had a few things he needed to look into. Those things dealing with the comment from Kaminari yesterday and more into Izukus mother. He found out that Kami was in a really good foster care home and everything was fine now, but what he found out about Izukus mother, that was a different story. He found multiple charges of different types of drugs, along with trafficking different drugs as well. Some reason she was never put in jail. She had several charges of random things until she had passed away on 10/18/XX. Aizawa heart sank when he read the date. He knew it was a hard date for him but he was also only 10 years old.. meaning he lived by himself for a whole year until he found his dad. He realized that it had been almost 45 minutes since class started and he didn't realize it sooner as the class was actually quite. He did notice how Jiro looked sadder than usual sometime glancing at Izuku with a face of guilt before looked away. He got up preparing for his possible death as he made his way to Izuku. He stopped in front of his desk. All the students looking at him he took a deep breath in, lower himself to be at the same level of Izuku. He started running his fingers through his hair until he seen Izuku move "Problem Child its time to get up, class is starting" he said calmly Izukus eyes fluttered open as he sat up rubbing his eyes with the back of his hands and yawned making an adorable sound. The other students in the class, hell even Aizawa found it absolutely adorable. "Morning dad" Izuku said not even realizing he was still in the classroom until he heard "Dad?!" That's when Izuku jumped and became flustered after he realized where he was "Oh... sorry. I didn't realize I fell asleep. I thought I was still at home." He said trying to cover up his mistake everyone except the 3 new it wasn't just a lie, thinking he was still home that was probably true. Shinso snorted as everyone bought it then he himself had to come up with a lie when everyone started to ask him what was so funny "I thought it was funny he didn't realize he was in class and that he was still at his house" everyone just said "Oh okay" or just "okay" 'oops' thought both Izuku and Shinso, Aizawa just shook his head hiding the smile he had behind his capture gear. That's when we started.

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