Chapter 2

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"Bakubro." Kirishima exclaimed when the blonde opened the door while cursing. He was having a cuddle session with his boyfriend. Stupid shitty hair.

"What do ya want damn shitty hair." He demanded with a glare. Kirishima wasn't bothered in the slightest.

"We're holding a game evening as a bonding experience for the class. You coming?" He asked. Katsuki grunted. He supposed that it wasn't avoidable.

"If I say no?" He asked.

"Not an option." Kirishima grinned without missing a beat.

Katsuki sighed. "Fine. When does this shitty game night start?"

Kirishima grinned knowing he would come now. "We want to gather during dinner and then just go do some games." Katsuki grunted and slammed the door in his friends face.

He walked towards the bed where Izuku immediately dragged him down and snuggled back up into his boyfriend. "So a game night. Sounds fun." He mumbled before sighing. "I should head back to my room. They will most likely ask me too if they're not already in front of my door." He said.

He still stayed for a minute more before grabbing his bag and walking back to his room. When he came to his room Uraraka was standing before it and about to walk away. "Uraraka-san. Do you need something?" He asked innocently. Acting like he didn't already know.

"Deku-Kun! I was looking for you. We are holding a game night. Want to come?" She asked with a brilliant smile. "It's like one big bonding experience for our class to help us become closer." She said enthusiastically.

Deku nodded. "That sounds fun. Is the entire class coming?" She nodded. "I'll be there. When do we start?" He asked. Uraraka told him after dinner. He thanked her and she left.


Uraraka clenched her fists in victory. Josh, Deku and Bakugou were both invited. Now, up to a fun night!


After dinner snacks were spread around the room and Koda took out his game like he said he would. They played two rounds before Mina got anxious. They couldn't make those two tolerate each other if they didn't even try to put them together!

"Guys. Wanna play another game?" She asked. The others looked at her.

"Sure. What do you wanna do?" Denki shrugged as Koda gathered the cards.

Mina searched for Kirishima's eyes and when she caught them she looked to Deku and Bakugou. He nodded in understanding. "How about seven minutes in heaven. Instead of some perverted stuff just exchange some fun experiences or something." He said.

Mina gave him a secret thumbs up. He discreetly did it back. Iida agreed, having seen their interaction. "I think that's a great way to get to know our fellow classmates better."

Tsuyu let out her agreement. "I think so too, kero." Soon everyone agreed.

"Okay." Mina took out her phone. "I will put all our names in my phone and it will randomly pick two people. They have seven minutes before someone comes to get them." She said. "Doesn't matter what you do, but if you're gonna Fuck, do it quick!" She said with a grin.

Iida looked mortified as he began lecturing her about the proper way to speak. To not say that in the presence of the class. Mina just grinned and enjoyed it. She looked back at the person behind her, Denki coincidentally, and mouthed 'worth it'.

She activated the random function and soon the names Mineta and Sero came out. "Noooo, can't I change. Yaoyorozu-san, you would want to go with me, right?" He said making grabby hands.
Sero taped his head and dragged him with him.

While the seven minutes were ticking by everyone just talked and enjoyed some snacks. Looking at stupid YouTube videos they set on the television.

After seven minutes Todoroki who lost a game of rock-paper-scissors with Mina went to get them. Sero came out with a smile while Mineta looked terrified behind him.

"What happened." Deku Asked worriedly.

Sero shrugged. "I just asked him nicely to respect our female classmates more." Midoriya deadpanned.

"Ah, I see." Before walking back to Katsuki. They were occupying a couch and no one noticed. Sure they sat on opposite ends, but still.

A few more people went in and out until Mina finally thought it was time. She pressed the random button again and lied about the names. "Next up, Deku and Bakugou." She said. The whole room tensed. This was their plan in action!

Kacchan 'tch'ed and grabbed Deku. Dragging him by the collar to the closet. Izuku couldn't even get to his feet. "So, What're we gonna do the next seven fucking minutes?" He asked.

Deku shrugged. "I have some weird quirk theories if you want to hear them." He said.

"Fine." His boyfriend grumbled.

"Okay, So you know How present mic has a box on his throat right. I think that he is completely useless without it."

Bakugou turned to him. "Hah? Why'd you fucking think that?"

"I'm talking to you right now, but you would hear me just as clearly if you were standing a meter to the right or left. Mic's voice should be the same." He explained. "So that box should just aim it. In other words. Take it away and he would hurt everyone indiscriminately."

Bakugou looked thoughtful for a second. "Fuck, I think you're right. Damn fucking pro is useless without a support item. That's fucking ridiculous." He laughed. "Have another one."

Midoriya blushed but nodded. "So, you know how Shigaraki disintegrates everything he touches with five fingers, right?" His boyfriend nodded. "So I thought, if he touched himself that would disintegrate him. But then I realised that quirks have either no effect on the user or their bodies have a great resistance."

Katsuki sneered. "Would spare us a whole lot of trouble." He mumbled.

"True. But then I thought yes, that's true, otherwise people like Endeavor would burn alive. But what if he used his quirk during peeing. His pee should be somewhat resilient because it was in his body. So if he used his quirk, would he piss liquid fire?"

Kacchan gave him a look like he was crazy. "What the fuck nerd?" He said after a few seconds.

Deku silenced him. "Then I thought, Todoroki is his son, so it should be around the same." He continued. "But if he used both halves, would he piss liquid fire in one side and ice cubes on the other, like a split stream, or would it cancel each other out." Katsuki was just silent. Not knowing what to say to that. "But, let's say he only uses his ice. Would he pee ice or would his dick just freeze up since the water freezes too and after that his dick."

Kacchan blinked. "I say his dick freezes." Midoriya didn't know. It could be, but maybe it didn't go back that far because of the quirk so he would just pee ice.

"I think he would pee ice." He said.

Katsuki huffed. "No way nerd. The water would freeze and freeze his dick too." He argued.

Midoriya shook his head. "But he should have resistance to the cold since his quirk gives him that." Katsuki gave in some.

"That's a possibility, but wouldn't it just freeze because of his fucking pee." He growled in a thoughtful instead of mean way he would usually do. "He just freezes with it."

They both fell silent. The door opened a few seconds after. They both walked out deep in thought. Yes, Deku had some weird things he would come up with when analysing quirks, so yes, this wasn't their weirdest conversation. They both looked at Todoroki who blinked at them. Not knowing what just transpired, and honestly didn't think he wanted to know.

The class watched confused. What happened in there to make them come out like that? Was their plan working or did it just backfire?

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