coming back...

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MS was waiting for coffee as he sits on a baby stool for more than 45 minutes as he saw the chef cum waitress cum owner of the coffee soap struggling in the kitchen. well... No.. she wasn't struggling for 45 mins, she ran out for half an hour as it is her cartoon break and came back just before 10 mins and started her struggle again.

Finally, the waitress brought his coffee with a polite smile... well, cold coffee or coffee which turned cold, whatever you call it. Coffee isn't that bad. Service could have been better but he doesn't mind waiting though. Not especially when the waitress cum chef is so cute.

"How was the coffee, sir?" The waitress asked maintaining here professional decorum.

"It is lovely madam. Just the way I wanted it. Thank you." MS replied smiling sweetly.

"Here is the bill, Papa," Ziva spoke still in the polite voice as she forwarded the bill.

"Papaaa?" MS asked smiling. She made him say the sentence again for calling her Ziva, not madam.

"Oppps... I forgot." Ziva giggled with a hand on her mouth dropping her act.

"You will always forget," MS spoke as he picked her up and started tickling making her laugh out aloud.

They went out to the lawn where Sakshi lead casually on the ground clicking pictures of Zoya and Liya as they are only living beings in the house who don't get frustrated just by seeing her camera.

"Maybe even they get frustrated... but they don't have an option." Sakshi thought with an evil laugh in her head.

"I will go get my drawing book Papa," Ziva shouted as she ran in.

"Done with your coffee-coffee?" Sakshi asked as MS lied on the grass beside her.

"Finally..." MS signed. "But it was fun."

"Fun because you won't have to sit on that chair waiting... DAILY" Sakshi stressed.

"We could try and attract her to play something else maybe...where we don't have to just sit probably?" MS suggested.

"Sitting is easier. Isn't it?" Sakshi asked, smiling making MS roll his eyes.

"We don't have to do anything though. She will herself lose interest in one or 2 months. no use of trying anything before that." Sakshi said as started clicking the pic of grass now.

"How do you know?" MS asked curiously.

"Wow... perfect lighting. Should I click you mahi?" She asked excitedly

MS just pushed her phone aside as if he is shooing a bee.

"Boring human." She cursed under her breath.

"How do you know?" MS repeated his question.

"It's just one of those games which she liked too much, play daily, get bored and never do again. it's not the first. Before this hide and seek, run-run, barbie-barbie, poem-poem... many actually." She explained.

"I missed a lot of her... didn't I?" MS asked with a sad smile.

"Not really, You just missed those games which would bore us 100 times before she gets bored of them." She said to cheer him up.

"And by the way, Now you have to worry more about not boring her by staying home too long." She teased.

"She didn't get bored of you... No way she would get bored of me." MS countered.

"What do you mean by that? You are the boring person here not me." Sakshi spoke.

MS shakes his head ignoring her as usual as he took out his mobile to check his mails. Ziva joined them with her drawing book and starts her drawing by keeping the book on Mahi's back.

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