By The Angel, Magnus!

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A/N So this was the one most people wanted to see and it's Magnus distracting Alec!!! Seeing it from Magnus' phone!

MB: Heyyyyyyyy xxxxxxx

😍😘🥰Alexander🥰😘😍: Hi x

MG: You busy, angel? Xxxxx

😍😘🥰Alexander🥰😘😍: In a meeting, so yes

MG: Breaking the rules and texting your handsome warlock boyfriend, Alexander.... tut tut tut.... 

MG: Not that I'm complaining, obviously xxxxx

😍😘🥰Alexander🥰😘😍: You texted me, Magnus

MG: You didn't have to respond xx

😍😘🥰Alexander🥰😘😍: What if you were texting to say you were being attacked

MG: Darling, I'd call in that case xxx

😍😘🥰Alexander🥰😘😍: Still

MB: Well I actually texted to tell you that I miss you and that the couch is rather empty without you and that I'm wearing your t-shirt and that I have no make up on xxxxx😉

😍😘🥰Alexander🥰😘😍: You're telling me this because...?

MB: Because you love it when i wear ur clothes and when i have no make up on

😍😘🥰Alexander🥰😘😍: Do i?

MG: Darling, i know you look at me when i'm wearing your clothes. and you drool.

😍😘🥰Alexander🥰😘😍: no i don't

MG: yes you do. besides, that's not the point. 

😍😘🥰Alexander🥰😘😍: what is the point?

MG: to get you to blush

😍😘🥰Alexander🥰😘😍: well mission failed

MG: Jace texting me to ask me if you being a tomato had anything to do with me tells me you're lying, Alexander.

😍😘🥰Alexander🥰😘😍: he's lying

MG: Are Izzy and Clary as well then?

😍😘🥰Alexander🥰😘😍: Obviously

MG: Explain this picture, then, darling:

MG: Explain this picture, then, darling:

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😍😘🥰Alexander🥰😘😍: Screw Jace

MG: Allow me to make you blush even more?

😍😘🥰Alexander🥰😘😍: Don't even thing about it

MG: Now that you've said it, i definitely am 😘😘

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