Part 3

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Richie P.O.V 

Sitting in the back of Patrick's pick up truck on a pile of blankets and smoking weed with him by the cliff wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. So far, he hasn't even done anything creepy other than grabbing my ass, which is better than normal so I guess I can't complain. At the minute, I was sitting flush up next to him with my head on his shoulder. I could tell that he was shocked at how close we were but wasn't saying anything because he's technically getting something out of it. His hand slid up from my lower back and came around to rest on my thigh before squeezing softly. The sigh I let out was hash in the mid-day air. 

"My parents are going to be pissed at me for ditching class. But fuck it, it won't be the first time they've beaten me." Patrick's reaction to this calm statement was instantaneous. He tensed up and his grip on my thigh tightened. He was definitely going to leave marks. Shit.

"Have you ever thought of running away? Like, not out of town, just to a friends house or something? It's what Henry does when Butch hits him. He comes over to my place." Patrick asks me while loosening his grip. 

I just sigh and shake my head. "No. My friends' parents all hate me... Plus that would be the first place they would look for me." I answer as truthfully as I can. I don't know why Hockstetter is being so nice to me all of a sudden. It's strange, yet not unwelcome. It's actually kind of nice to have someone that genuinely cares about me. And I know he does because Hockstetter wouldn't lie about this. He doesn't see the point.

"Well, you're 16 now. You could move out and get an apartment in the same complex as that Beverly Marsh girl? Not that you would have any money to do it with." He says bluntly like it was obvious. Although, in hindsight it probably was.

"I don't exactly thing me and the losers are on the best terms right now. Especially after earlier in science. It's the fifth period right now. We have an hour until the end of the day. God, my parents are gonna kick my ass" I couldn't help but tell him that. And I know I definitely shouldn't be feeling safe around Hockstetter, but for some reason I do.

"I've got some money saved up from my job at the arcade, if you got a paper route maybe we would be able to get an apartment together. Just you and me. Noone would be able to stop us. We could live in one of those shitty apartments until we can come up with enough money to move out of this shithole. How about it?" Patrick asked, kind of looking nervous. I didn't even realise he could get nervous.

All throughout while Patrick was speaking, his hand travelled until it landed over my clothed cock. I have to admit, moving in with him does sound nice. Probably nicer than it should have done. "I'll see if I can get a route. If not I'm positive Mr Keene would give me an even better paying job at the pharmacy. That paedophile is always looking at my ass." I mumble the last part hoping that Patrick wouldn't catch it, but of course, he did. 

"Well then, if he's always looking at you, how about I make sure he knows who you belong to, huh? I'll make it worth your while. And for once I'm not talking about sex. I mean, we could go down to the pharmacy and gather some stuff and camp out in the back of my truck." Patrick asks me. 

"Yeah, that sounds nice. But it also sounds like a date. Is this your way of asking me out Hockstetter?" I ask playfully, fulling expecting him to hit me. 

"One, it's probably the best you're going to get from me, and two, It can be if you want it to be." He states like it's a fact as he slowly moves closer,  before pressing our lips together in a soft kiss. I let my eyes flutter closed and allow myself a moment to just enjoy the feeling. This is the closest thing to bliss I'm going to get for a long time so I might as well take full advantage of it, right?

Before either of us could pull away or say anything, there was a huge bang from in the trees causing us to jump apart. Holy fuck... Is that... No fucking way... 

"HEY HOCKSTETTER! I DIDN'T REALISE THAT YOU WERE A FAG!" Henry Bower's voice booms out in the quarry, making all of the birds overhead fly away at the noise. Patrick's hand comes up to my shoulder and he grips me tightly. He's sweating, Patrick never sweats from nerves. Shit. We're both dead. 

I didn't realise that I had started shaking and swearing under my breath until Patrick whispered to me. "You underestimate me, little mouse." I look up at him, confused before he stands up and starts to get down from the truck. I grab his hand and shoot him a pleading look, not wanting to be left alone. Patrick just kisses me again and walks over to Bowers. "Hey, fuckwad. Can you not just leave me and my boyfriend in peace? Our relationship has nothing to do with you, idiot." He growls before swinging backwards and striking Henry in the face with a punch. 

I gasp as his fist makes contact with Henry's face. What the fuck! The impact knocks Henry on his ass. Patrick walks back over to me and sits down, pulling me into his lap, making me face Henry, as he buries his face in the crook of my neck. "Fine, be a fag. Don't expect to be protected by MY gang then." Henry spit out while getting up and walking away, making the gang follow behind him.

Patrick started to kiss down my neck and nip at it softly, making me gasp again. "Patrick~ Ah~ Please, we're in public~" I moan out softly, with a whimper. He smirks against my skin and bites down again, harder this time. 

"We're in the woods. This is not public. But, if you're really that uncomfortable with it then we can go back to my place if you want? School let out like half an hour ago." Patrick mumbles and plays with my hair, trying to relax me.

"Yeah Ok. Let's go back to your place. That way no one can see us." We both got up and got into the truck properly. As we started driving, Patrick's hand was back on my thigh. 

"Hey, baby? The drive is like half an hour back to my place. Wanna give me a blowjob while I'm driving?" He asks teasingly, clearly half expecting me to shout at him. I smirked and reached down to unzip his jeans making him stutter worse than Big Bill. "I-I was joking!" 

I just laughed and pulled him out of his boxers while leaning down and taking him into my mouth. He just groaned. "Fuck baby~ If you're mouth is that good then I'm not gonna be able to drive properly-!" He broke off towards the end with another moan, bucking his hips up into my throat. Luckily for me, I have no gag-reflex. I pinned his hips down with one hand and quickly deepthroated him, rubbing my face in his pubic hair towards the base. After about fifteen minutes of this, he grabbed my hair and pulled me off of him. "That was amazing baby, but if you don't stop now, then I'm gonna blow my load before we even get home, and I know damn well that neither one of us wants that." He panted before tucking himself back into his pants and zipping up his jeans. I wiped the corner of my mouth with my hoodie sleeve and sighed, looking out of the window. "Don't worry baby, I'll be fucking you with it before you know it." That made me hum in appreciation at least.

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