We need to help her

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y/n sat up in the cell not tired anymore.
The bright white lights illuminated everywhere.
It was like it was one big light built into the ceiling.
She looked down. This is going to be a long fucking day.
Her head then shot back up.
What time was it?.
Annoyed she leaned against the wall to bring herself up and walked around to see if she could see any sign of a time anywhere.
Turning around she slumped down against the wall.
How the hell was she going to do this?.
She told these people continuously that she would kill them, sort of...i'm sure they got the message. Especially the Tony guy and spider-boy. They pissed me off the most.
The others I wasn't exactly sure who they were.
Y/n sat in silence until she felt a presence from behind the glass.
"Which one is it?" y/n asked
"Iron man, now turn around."
Keep it cool
she told herself. The last thing she needed was to give them any more reasons to not trust her. But I'm sure the howl trusting thing flew out the window when they think I decided to kill a howl bunch of people because I was upset.
She laughed inturnely, If that didn't convince them that she was not to be trusted I don't know what will.
NO. you need them to trust you.
She told herself. If you can convince them to trust you, everything will fall into place and it will be absolutely priceless when she betrays them.
Already she could tell this howl thing was going to be awhile.
"Turn around." Tony said again impatiently.
y/n forgot he was there for a second.
Ok,! Let's do this.
Turning around cautiously she looked at Tony. "I thought your name was Tony." she said, giving a brow up.
"It is, but you won't call me that. To you, I'm Mr.Stark. Nothing else"
"What makes you think i'll listen?."
"Because that little collar around your neck will tranquilize you if you try and do anything stupid. Not to mention I put a chip in your wrist that will shock you."
y/n eyes twitched. "You put a fucking chip in my fucking wrist!"
"What, you think i'm just going to have you here without taking extra precautions. Hell no"
She banged on the glass. "I hate you!"
He snorts "No really!? Because I thought we were hitting it off."
y/n scoffs. "You think you're so funny don't you."
"Pretty much, now move out of the way."
"Move kid, I don't have all day. Unlike you I have things to do."
Moving out of the way she flips him off.
He sees "Yeah none of that." grabbing her he pulls her forward.
"Where the hell am I going now."
"Natasha!" Tony called out.
Natasha came out of the corner. "Come with me." she said, gesturing to me to follow her.
I stand my ground. "I'm not going to bite." she says.
y/n glares at her too, "Yeah but I will."
Rolling her eyes she grabbed y/n and pulled her forward.
"You're a feisty one arnt ya" she said laughing.
I wanted to jump off a cliff. She did not just call me fucking "fiesty".
I assassinate people for fun. Im not fucking fiesty.
"I murder people for a living, I guess fiesty is another way to say it." y/n says to her.
"Yeah well try it again and we won't be as kind."
"Gosh, i'm so scared." y/n says sarcastically.
Natasha leads her to a bathroom.
"No thanks." y/n said
Rolling her eyes she took off y/n's upper body restraints.
"Is this where I die?. Because if you are going to kill me, I'd rather not die here." she says gesturing to the bathroom.
"Why would I kill you here of all places?" Natasha asked.
" Don't ask me." she said looking away. It brought back memories when she had to kill someone on a mission. And he happened to walk out of a public bathroom.
It was fucking gross, and emberrassing.
"Here." Natasha said handing her clothes.
Crossing her arms y/n stood silent.
Natasha sighed and pulled up her hand to show a watch.
With her other hand she pressed a button.
"Ow!Bitch!" y/n yelled grabbing her wrist. It was numb now.
"How many fucking voltages are on that thing." y/n says rubbing her hand.
"Alot...now change."
y/n just fucking do it!. She told herself. She could see her dignity fly out the window.
"I hate all of you." y/n said snatching the clothes.
Natasha stays.
"Ever heard of privacy?" y/n said.
"Just hurry up and change, if your insecure turn around."
y/n has never been more insulted in her life. Nothing she did seemed to threaten them remotely.
Natasha turned around and y/n hurried and slipped off her suit then hurriedly put on her new ones.
They were pajamas. A pink baggy shirt, with grey flared pajama pants.
Yeah her dignity was long gone.
"Done" she mumbled.
Natasha turned around and smiled.
"Ok follow me."
Natasha walked out of the restroom.
But when y/n did she was greeted with two burly looking guys.
"Who the hell are they." y/n says point at them.
Natasha turns around. "Oh them?." she says pointing at them. "They are to keep you in check, and before you do anything. They have access to the chip in your wrist."
"Why the hell cant I just be in the cell."
"Didn't Tony explain anything to you?"
"Clearly not"
"You're basically going to be used as bait."
"Bait?" y/n repeated.
"Yes,." Natasha said walking back down the hall.
Both bodyguards pushed y/n forward making her stumble.
"Touch me again and I fucking swear. I don't give a shit if you have access to anything."
They ignored her and y/n followed Natasha.
Going back into the room with her cell Natasha gestured for her to go in.
Y/n rolling her eyes went back in the cell.
Natasha closed the glass door.
"Now what?"
"Think of this as a daycare, we will be watching you every second of the day everyday.... Your going to go to school wit-"
"School?. Daycare? Wait what the hell is going on." y/n said coming closer to the glass.
"We're giving you a chance to live a normal teenage life." Tony said walking in.
"What makes you think any of this is normal?" She countered
"Pretend" he says smiling.
"Why? You literally just met me, I killed a howl bunch of people because I was upset. And did you guys forget the fact that I was raised in the Hydra industry?"
"Exactly" Tony says "Your bait for them to come looking for you, once they do. We can put an end to this."
That's their plan?... lame.
"Your plan is crap."
"Why is that." Natasha asks.
"Because they wont come looking for me...I...I escaped." y/n said remembering she was still supposed to be on this truth serum stuff.
Natasha and Tony shared quick glances.
"If you were being toturted every night for every little mistake you made, wouldn't you want to escape?" y/n answered. This howl lying thing was fun.
"Prove it." Tony said.
Oh..fuck.uhg! Shit.
Then she remembered her scars she gave herself when she was young.
Turning around she lifts her shirt revealing her back full of scars. Thankfully she was wearing a bra.
Pushing her shirt back down she crossed her arms self conscious.
She hated everything about this mission.
Ok, now for the icing on the cake.
"Look-" she said slowly, tears welling up. "Please just kill me already." she said fighting back tears. "No one is going to come look for me." she says looking down through her teeth to show her anger.
"What makes you say that." Tony says beside Natasha.
And as soon as she said it she stumbled back, it came out a little too real.
Then tears streamed down her cheeks.
Real or not real, the emotions she showed seemed to be taking effect.
But it didn't make y/n feel any better. She just revealed an actual insecurity of hers.
"Well we're not going to kill you." Natasha said.
y/n laughed. "Sooner or later I'll wound up dead" she now looks at them more closely. "Because in the end. I'm a so-called psycho, deranged bitch who just needs to leave. So if the world doesn't care about me then why should I care about it."
"We'll see about that." Natasha says with a mocking smirk before she left the room.
"You're going to school with Peter tomorrow. He has access to your chip, so don't do anything stupid. And don't try anything else. There will be S.H.I.E.L.D agents looking after you in the distance."
y/n couldt think of what else to say. "So i'm going to school now?...you know for someone who has never been to one or really hasnt ever got along with anyone, you really are dumb arnet you."
"Like I said "bait"."
He walks out leaving y/n alone.
School?... This has to be the lowest point of my life.
I literally tried killing them and now they are taking me to school.
Then it hit y/n. She was fifteen ....most teenage girls were hanging out with their friends, going to school, going to parties...dating.
y/n pondered on this. She never really thought about others really, or at least the average day people. She's never had any of those experiences.
In a weird way it bothered her.
She was fifteen and this was how she acted.
No wonder they didn't react. She was fifteen , a young girl who was clueless.
y/n started talking outloud to herself. "I will never be taken seriously will I?" she asked herself.
Im a fucking teenager.
I never thought about it that way.
I wasn't threatening, and this pissed her off.
She could kill anyone!. Or at least anyone without abilities.
This also made her mad. She couldn't be stronger.
Melting to her side she laid down numb.
She could feel her test trial serum wearing off, and the memories flooding back into her mind.
Her father forced the serum in her, she wasn't expecting it either.
Then remembering what she said earlier today.
She actually was hesitant to take it. She didn't know what she was getting herself into, and yet it all fell into place. Her father was already going to do it. I just gave him the leverage.
How could I be so stupid!
All I am is a pon in his stupid game. He never cared for me, I'm just a pon.
Im useless.
Before I never cared about being a pon, a weapon. But now for some reason I did.
Confused with all these sudden emotions she felt tears stream down.
I'm nothing...this mission made me realise this.
I'm nothing to this world. I'm another fifteen year old girl who doesn't matter, I was just somebody's other problem now.
And yet I still have to complete this mission.
Because if she didn't something would happen. The more y/n thought about it, the more she thought about how pointless it was. But if what her father said was true...about being CEO.
She sure as hell was going to do it. Because I dont give a shit about others...right?.

Just for this once y/n aloud herself to be absolutely and utterly vulnerable and weak.
She let herself sob on the floor.
Crying she soon fell asleep.
Everyone watched her on the screen crying..
'Does she know she's being watched." Peter asked.
"I don't think she cares" Clint said.
Peter watched from the corner.
Tomorrow she will be going to school with him.
Ned will freak out.
Ok, Peter act cool. You got this. It's just a really deadly, emotional and psycho like girl you're watching over. N-no big deal...
Even in his mind he stuttered.
Tony told him he had to tell his aunt May he would be staying at Neds house.
Agreeing he called his aunt may and told her exactly what he was told to say.
Thankfully she was ok with it.
Peter was led to his new room by Tony. "This will be your room for when you have to stay here."
Before Peter could respond Tony had already walked away.
Once Peter opened the door he immediately took out his phone and called Ned.
"Dude you'll never believe what happened."
"Peter!? Where were you!?"
"That's what i'm saying."
"Yeah-well sort of. So he is actually a she."
Ned gasped. But Peter continued. "And she's actually this really psycho, crazy, weird girl."
"Definitely, also she's really annoying."
"You got to talk to her!?"
"Right!. So we all kind of locked her up in this really big high tech cell."
"And then later we kind of decided-"
*footsteps walked closer to Peters room*
"Ok I think someones coming, but i'll explain everything tomorrow" Peter hung up before Ned could say anything else.
Clint barged into his room.
"These are thin walls, and I unfortunately have the room next to yours."
"S-sorry" Peter said laughing nervously.
"Yeah- yeah whatever." he said walking out.
Peter let out a sigh.
I really need to stop spilling the avengers secret information.
This mission was supposed to be classified.
Annoyed, Peter layed down on his bed in his new room. At least his room for emergencies. Like when he needs to go on missions.
Tomorrow y/n would be going to school with him.
And he was supposed to act like he didn't know her.
Except Mr.Stark specifically told him to become so called friends when they both go to school. At least look like friends when there. So he could keep an eye on her.
Peter didn't like this at all. But he had to admit that it was kind of cool that he was in charge of watching over an assassin.
He thought back when they first fought and how he thought she was a guy.
Peter was so shocked when he found out y/n was a girl. And she was his age!
Peter fangirled.
Maybe this wouldn't be so bad...

The Assassins Curse Peterparker x readerOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz