"I uh, I'm sorry" she sounded so sad, disappointed

"No listen, I would do anything to kiss you right now but I want you to kiss me when you're better not when your sad and want to mask your pain" he was being honest

How much things have changed up until right now was amazing to the both of them. Although not much has changed, somethings did. They kissed now, they changed in front of each other, they practically lived together at this point. No sex yet but they did all the other couple things but they weren't official.

After about 20 minutes he came out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist and wet hair.

"How many times have I told you to dry off before coming out Ev" she spoke softly making him jump.

"Damn it Aurora! You always scare me" he scolded her

"And you always wet the rug Evan" she giggled as she watched him get ready for bed.

"I'm beat babe" he admitted as he lifted the comforter and climbed under with her.

He placed his head on her chest and his arms around her small waist as he traced small shapes on her exposed leg skin

"I know babe, it's going to be rough for a little bit until this is all over with which probably won't be for a while" she spoked but the only response she received was a soft sigh from the now sleeping Evan.

She giggled as she adjusted herself slightly so she was more comfortable to sleep and just as he did, she fell right asleep in the comfort of his arms.

She felt like she had the best sleep she had in the last couple of days. She was finally wrapped in one of her favorite people's arms after wanting to so long.

She rolled over to see him getting dressed and ready for work. She sat up and held her arms open for him. Just as she wanted he walked over and hugged her and she pulled him down on top of her.

"Don't leave me!" She pleaded

"I wish I didn't have to baby but there's people out there that need my help."

"Yeah but I need you" she pouted even though he wasn't looking at her face.

"I know baby but I'll always come home to you I promise" he spoke backing up to look at her face.

"always?" she question scanning over his face

"Always Princess but I have to go okay? I'll call you at some point"

"Okay babe, I'll be here. I might go get some groceries so just text me anything you need me to pick up" she smiled as she got up to begin making the bed.

"Why don't we just move in together at this point?" he let slip from his mouth


"No, no don't answer me right now okay? We'll talk later, I love you" he said placing a chased kiss on her lips and grabbing his things,leaving hurriedly.

Damn it Evan, why must you make me fall in love with you and we aren't even official?

Maybe you should ask him to make it official?

He should know that we aren't official and why would he want to keep moving forward in this relationship if we aren't?

Maybe he just loves you no matter the title and wants to keep moving forward with you no matter what?


Why can't you just let him love you? He hasn't done anything for you to doubt his true feelings for you.

What if it's too good to be true?

It's not Aurora, get out of your head

"Life is so complicated" she spoke out loud to no body in particular as she was alone in her apartment.

She finished up making her bed and decided to go for a run. After her ankle incident she had taken up running and working out to strengthen herself more.

As she began running she had no final destination but ended up somewhere she wanted to be subconsciously.

"Aurora?" she heard as she was stretching outside on a random railing

"I um I don't know how I ended up here but I just started running and um my feet kind of just brought me here, brought me to you" she spoke honestly and out of breath.

"Listen I now I asked a big question this morning and honestly I didn't mean to let it slip like that really. I would love to always come home to you, to a place we share, to our place but I know I never officially asked you to be my girlfriend and we both just kinda assumed the boyfriend and girlfriend relationship but Aurora you're it for me, you're my girlfriend whether you like it or not and I guess this is asking do you want to be my girlfriend?"

"Evan, of course I want to be your girlfriend" she smiled as she pulled down her mask to place a kiss on his lips quickly.

"I love you princess, even if you don't love me" he joked

"I love you, you big goof" she spoke not thinking

His eyes lit up like he just received the best news in the world.

"Move in with me Aurora?" he asked hopeful

"My place or yours? Or should we start looking for new ones?"

"I'll take that as a yes then?"

"Of course Ev, maybe a new fresh start? A new apartment?"

"Yeah, I like that." he smiled down at the small girl.

They both truly believed they found their happy ever after.

Fire on Fire - Evan Buckleyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن