Chapter 3 : "is she ok?"

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Rani POV

During my night shift I felt sick and Nirmala told me to sleep, I refused but Nirmala told me to go to sleep while ullu, Baliyo, Surak, and Nirmala kept watch. I went back but I couldnt sleep cause I felt so sick. I woke up in the morning and didnt feel too well.

Normal POV

Kion woke up and found Rani sleeping near him.

Kion : Rani? Aren't you supposed to be with the night pride?

Rani opened her eyes and yawns

Rani : ohh umm I felt sick

Kion : Oh... ok do you still feel sick now?

Rani : a little

Kion : I think you should take a day off.

Rani : but I am queen and leader of the night pride.

Kion : but as king and leader of the day pride I order you to take a day off.

Rani : ok fine

The night pride have just ended their shift.

Kion : Baliyo, Nirmala, Surak!

Baliyo : hey Kion is Rani ok?

Nirmala : she was feeling a little sick

Surak : we just wanna make sure she is ok.

Kion : well she is still sick but feeling a bit better.

Surak : you guys should start to guard the morning

Kion : yeah, Bunga, Besthe, Angga you all should guard first

Besthe : ok kion c'mon little B and Angga.

Bunga : Until the tree of life ends...

Angga nad Besthe : Day pride defends!

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