Agree or Disagree #1

301 17 188

First order of business, HAPPY BIRTHDAY PAUL STANLEY!!!! I'm kind of known around my household for loving Paul (even though I like Ace and Eric C. more lmao), but nevertheless, I hope you have the best birthday ever. I love you!!!!

Second- THANK YOU FOR 10K FREAKING VIEWS!!!! Thats like a lot of people! SO thank you so much. Please follow my insta (megatallixa) and subscribe me and my friend's YouTube Great Kind Rog Adds Lacquer To My Knackers. EEEE Okay let's do this.

+  =  agree

-  =  disagree

~ Led Zeppelin is overrated  My opinion: agree (+)

~ Dave Mustaine is a way better guitarist than Kirk Hammett  My opinion: agree (+)

~ Guns N' Roses is better than LA Guns My opinion: disagree (-)

~ Grunge sucks My opinion: DISAGREE (-) fvck1ng_h0stile is my grunge mom hehe.

~ Roger Taylor is the hottest member of Queen My opinion: Disagree (-) Brian is way hotter

~ Ace Frehley is so fucking underrated as a guitarist and singer My opinion: AGREE (+)

~ Frank Bello is E X T R E M E L Y sexy My opinion: Agree (+)

~ Jason Newsted is better than Robert Trujillo My opinion: Disagree (-)

~ Ramones is the best punk band My opinion: Agree (+) they tie with Social Distotion

~ TOOL is better than Dream Theater My opinion: Disagree (-) HELL NO

~ Mother Love Bone is fucking amazing My opinion: Agree (+)

~ Eric Carr is the best KISS drummer My opinion: Agree (+)

Drop your opinions here 

Drop your questions for me here  (I'm doing a Q & A)

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