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Y/n Dairy log

Dear Diary, time 7:52 pm. oct/31st/1978
Being 21 was supposed to be the best time of my life but it here I am, getting dumped on Halloween because I "acted too distant". I have all A's, decent parents and a shitty love life. With the nickname "Freaky bitch" I see why. Honestly at this point I could care less.

After all I have only three friends and no boyfriend......since three minutes ago. I just want to go back to being 4 or 5. THAT was the best time of my life. First friend, first crush, no homework or tests. No bullying or horrible nicknames. Just naps and playgrounds, snacks and games. My first friend and first crush was Micheal M. he was so nice to me, and was the cutest boy in the grade. He first shared his snack with me... a killer move to get a girl's attention. Then he pushed me on the swings. Making me fall for him more and more everyday. We were best friends for 2 more years until he disappeared without a trace. We were just 6 and we finished trick or treating and that was the last time I saw him. No one would tell me what happened to him. Sometimes I still miss him and his cute face. Ever since then people make fun of me if I bring him up thus the nickname "Freaky bitch".

But that was in the past, now I should be over him but I'm not. I've had boyfriends of course but never really had feelings for them. I just don't feel that much anymore. I guess losing a childhood best friend with no clue of what happened to them will do that to you. "Fuck" I say quietly to myself as I began crying. "Why can't I get over you, Micheal, why? You're on my mind everyday. It's been 15 years and yet you're all I think about."

It started to rain. I put in my earbuds and begin to cry along to The Cure. Rain drips down my face as I cry, but not even the rain can shield me from the eyes of society. Some time passes by and I hear the door open, My dorm mates Scarlett, Olivia, and Jude all came back from their triple date to find me on the balcony crying and soaking wet. Scarlett immediately rush over and shook the fuck out of my body, "Y/n what the fuck happened to you!?!"


Olivia starts a hot bath, Jude gets comfort food and Scarlett is on the phone screaming at you ex with all sorts of curses and no-no words, " I SWEAR TO GOD YOU LITTLE SHIT WE ARE GOING TO PLACE SO MANY GODDAMN HEXES ON YOU THAT YOU'LL WISH YOU'RE DEAD- I DONT GIVE A SHIT IF SHE SEEMED DISTANT THAT IS MY FRIEND YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT-EAT SHIT DICK!!!" Was the last I heard before she came over and gave me a bear hug.

I got out of my soaked clothes and got into the hot bath. Jude took my phone and changed the music to my fav band/singer and she began to wash my hair." He was a fuck boy anyways, we should place so many curses on him and his small dick"

"But Jude, it didn't hurt that he dumped me but he did on the anniversary of Micheal missing, that's what hurts."

Olivia popped in with a warm towel and some clean clothes, "Crud is that today? I hate him even more now". She was never one for cussing.

"Y/n, if you want you can have a movie night with Olivia while Scarlett and I hunt him down and beat the shit out of him."

"Thanks but no.... Why don't we go trick or treating or to a party?"

"That's what I like to hear!!" Shouted Scarlett from the hallway.

We all got dressed in our Halloween costumes, Jude as a cowgirl, Olivia as a Frankenstein's bride, Scarlett as a sexy zombie and I went as a a demon huntress. Leaving the dorm and low and behold my ex is standing outside the door and asking me to forgive him. I can't even get a word out before my dear friends make a barrier between us

"She doesn't want to see your ugly ass"

"Yeah, we always hated how you treated our friend like she was your toy"

"Get your ass away from her before me and Scarlett curb stomp you."

As if the jackass could get it through his thick skull he said "What do you mean, she LOVES me and WANTS me, she is MINE. Now move you slu-"
(Unrealistic thought time!)
I punched his face before he could even finish his sentence

"Listen here ASSHOLE" I grab him by the ear, "I belong to NO ONE especially NOT YOU. So if you want to keep your GODDAMN HANDS OFF my friends and I then that you be greatly appreciated. DON'T EVER TALK TO ME AGAIN."

"WOOOOO! YOU GO GIRL!!!" screamed my friends.

We began walking down the stairs to leave the building to go have the time of our lives..... is what would've happened if I weren't such a goddamn basketcase. Someone tapped my shoulder it was Olivia. I glance back towards my ex. Jude is kicking his stomach and so was Scarlett. Shit balls. "Guys, stop. We don't wanna be late..... right? I lightly chuckled.

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