Chapter Ninety-Nine

Start from the beginning

Luckily, as if Merlin himself had been listening to her prayers, Olive was able to make it to her bedroom without running into anyone. However... that didn't mean two girls were waiting for her on the inside ready to bombard her with questions.

Her cheeks tinging pink, Olive tried to act cool as she opened the door, sliding inside when the sound of footsteps told her someone was about to appear in the hall. She closed it behind her, doing her best to ignore the looks Ginny and Hermione as she started to make her bed. It seemed silly to do so considering she hadn't slept the whole night in it.

"Good morning, Ollie." Ginny was tying up her hair, exchanging a smirk with Hermione, who was already packed and ready, "Sleep well?"

"What?" Olive was glad her back was to them, otherwise the look that was currently on her face would give her previous whereabouts away... even though it was already quite obvious.

Why even hide it, anyways? It's not like she and George actually did anything...

"Olive," Hermione did her best to wipe her knowing smile off her face as she approached the Ravenclaw, "You know we have to leave in about twenty-five minutes... right?"

Ollie, who had seemingly just remembered again that she was of age and could use a wand to finish packing up her stuff, turned to face Hermione with a slightly exasperated expression, her eyes watching her pillows and clothes float neatly into their designated places.

"I know." She nodded, "I... forgot to set an alarm."

"You did set one." Ginny nodded to the girl's alarm clock, "But it seems like you couldn't hear it from upstairs."

"Oh." She frowned, "Right."

"Are you feeling better?" Hermione changed the subject, though still carried a smirk, "After the boggart incident yesterday?"

At the Gryffindor's mention of yesterday's incident, the small cuts on her palms from her nails began to itch. Though Olive no longer felt an impending sense of doom and helplessness, whenever the image of her boggart flashed in her mind she was filled with a momentary uneasiness.

"Yeah." Ollie nodded, grabbing her clothes for the day and a bath towel, "I'm okay... it's just startling, is all."

She headed back for the door, wanting to take a fast shower before the headed off to King's Cross. Her eyes darted back to the clock on her nightstand, which told her she still had about twenty minutes. Hopefully, with the help of a little magic, she would be ready.

"Thank you." Olive turned to Hermione as she opened the door, giving a grateful look to Ginny as well, "For asking... and for keeping this between us."

Giving a pointed look to the two Gryffindors as she pointed upstairs, Ollie didn't realize who was passing in the hall behind her.

"Keeping what between who?"

George stood in the doorway, a toothbrush sticking out from his mouth. He looked in at the girls with raised brows, his eyes darting between Ollie, Hermione, and Ginny.

Olive, who wanted to get ready and discuss everything later, started to say something, but a teasing Ginny beat her to the punch.

"Oh, nothing." She shrugged, "Though, dearest brother, I'm wondering if the cat's got your tongue recently..."

With that, the youngest Weasley sibling grabbed her stuff and headed for the door, executing what probably would have been the greatest mic-drop moment all week. She pushed past her older brother, giving him a smirk as she proceeded into the hallway.

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