Year 2 Chapter 5

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31st October 1992
Dumbledore's office
Harry calmly stared at the old wizard as they waited for his parents to come in. For someone like dumbledore, what an ingenious idea to have your password as sherbet lemon. Yes very smart indeed.
Jonas was sitting by the side, attempting to catch the Phoenix, that flew away from him, landing on the window. Mcgonagall had gone away to handle the big ruckus outside. The green flames erupted and lily and James rushed through, dashing to Jonas.
"Oh my baby are you ok?"
"Don't worry Jonas I'll get you any broom you like!"
"Right forgetting about your other child potters very good."
Dumbledore cleared his throat just as the floo opened up again revealing Remus and Sirius.
The both of them were on an auror mission so they had temporarily been replaced by mcgonagall, who was surprisingly good at history considering she looked ancient.
"Harry are you alright?"
"Perfectly fine Siri, but Jonas keeps accusing me of being a dark lord."
"I'm not."
Dumbledore coughed again and stood up, silencing the two of them. Harry rolled his eyes at Jonas' glare.
"Harry my boy,"
Harry internally gagged at his "grandfatherly" voice. That made him sick.
"Were you the one who wrote that message on the wall?"
"If I said no would any of you believe it."
Only Sirius and Remus raised their hands and Harry smiled gratefully at them.
"Hadrian answer Dumbledore."
"Why should I Mr potter? It's plenty obvious your bias is clear and you'll believe whatever rubbish Jonas spouts. Fountain of rubbish you mean."
"You take that back Hadrian!"
Harry kept quiet, giggling slightly at the infuriated expression on James' face.
"So you were not the culprit of this incident Hadrian?"
"Of course not headmaster. Why should I dirty my hands with such a large amount of blood, chicken blood to be more specific."
"Hagrid did say more chickens were being killed lately..."
"Sirius! Professor!"
"James my boy it's not hadrian that did this, don't let the fact that he's a slytherin cloud your mind."
"You're the reason for that old fogie."
Harry ignored the piercing glare from his father and stood up.
"Can I leave now professor? I still have homework to do."
"Of course my boy your grades have been excellent this year!"
Timeskip lol
Harry stepped into the common room to see his friends sleeping on the couch. Theo was sleeping on blaise's shoulder and draco was sleeping on the table.
"They were waiting for you Hadrian."
Harry jolted and saw Matthew behind him.
"Uh senior shouldn't you be asleep by now?"
"A prefect has to watch over his house as well. If there are silly juniors staying up for their friends I have to stay up to make sure nothing happens to those fools."
With that the 5th year swept up the stairs, passing Harry a few blankets.
"What's with all slytherins and that sweep walking?" Harry muttered, throwing the blankets over the trio, secretly snapping a picture, already planning what blackmail could be done.
November 1st 1992
Quidditch field
"So explain exactly why we're here malfoy."
"For quidditch tryouts of course."
"So what about me draco?"
"Well since Harry has acrophobia...he'll help us cheat!"
"Oh come on..."
"No zabini."
The group of 4 wandered onto the field, Harry in his normal robes and the other three in typical quidditch robes. Blaise and draco had nimbus 2001 while Theo was holding some white Coloured broom.
Marcus flint, the slytherin quidditch captain, stood there, pinning them with a poker face.
"Malfoy, zabini, nott, potter. I assume you're here for tryouts."
"They are, not me."
Harry quickly sprinted off, totally ignoring their protests at him running off.
Harry pulled out his homework and that was when he realised Uma was on his shoulder. Uma was always near him nowadays so he got used to it.
"Woah...who's that that's totally wicked!"
Harry looked up just as Theo flew past him, grabbing the snitch that he didn't realise was next to him.
"Sorry Harry!"
"Uh yeah ok."
Harry blankly stared at the air when draco walked over and plopped down next to him.
"Hey Harry I got picked as a keeper!"
"Nice! But uh what's with Theo?"
"Oh this is like the 7th time he caught the snitch so-"
"In FIVE minutes?!?!"
"Nott is probably gonna be a seeker."
"Oh hey Blaise did you get in?"
"Duh as a beater!"
"Yes kick the balls at the gryffindorks!"
"Well Harry will mind-"
"No kick them I wanna hit them all way to hell."
Timeskip again cuz I'm an ass
"Nott you're scary you know..."
"Excuse me just because I prefer books doesn't mean I'm bad at a broom you big shitty ass."
"Guys please don't fight in public..."
Harry was inspecting theo's broom while Theo and Blaise got into their daily fight while draco rolled their eyes and considered spanking them with his broom.
"Hey Theo is this birch?"
"Yep got it from a broom maker down knock turn alley, not as fast as nimbus but has a lot of control."
"Hey introduce me to that person-"
"She doesn't like big butts."
Harry sighed, thankfully no one else but them was in the corridor.
"Let's just go back..."
"Oh yeah November 7th is our first match against those gryffindorks!"
"I'm coming."
"Yay thanks Harry!"

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