Chapter 1

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"Think you're going to win, hah, nerd." Bakugou growled as he pushed his face into Midoriya's. Deku swallowed and stared back.

"I will." He stated determined to win this mock battle. The hero training of that afternoon was divided into regular training and a mock battle between two random picked people. Izuku had the pleasure of being Katsuki's partner.

"I'll kill you." Katsuki slammed his hand into his palm making a small explosion.

"You'll first have to beat me." He said in return to the hot headed boy in front of him. They both grinned. Izuku more nervous then Katsuki's malicious grin.

Aizawa raised his hand with a bored expression. "Begin." He mumbled before yawning and looking like he was watching a documentary about the most boring subject ever.

It didn't take long before Kacchan took down Deku.

"I win, stupid Deku." He gloated. "I'm fucking better then you. Don't forget that." He puffed his chest out in pride. Izuku might've been weak and quirkless in middle school, but right now he was together with him and that damn Icy hot among the top three best students in their year. He could take pride in beating him.

Izuku dropped his head to the floor, panting. Next time he would win! He already won multiple times. Right now him and Kacchan were on even grounds. He would become even better and become the number one.

"Silence, next." Aizawa spoke in that same bored and tired voice. Kacchan walked away and Deku followed right after.

The lesson continued.


The entirety of class 1A minus Bakugou and Midoriya were sitting in the common rooms. "Guys. We need to get them closer." Mina jumped up and pointed to the rest of the bakusquad. They blinked.

"What?" Denki Asked. Mina huffed. "You know. Bakugou and Midoriya. They're better then at the beginning of the year, but we're gonna be heroes. They'll have to team up, it's inevitable." She reasoned.

"So?" Denki continued. Mina pinched the bridge of her nose. "We need to make them at least tolerate each other."

Denki made an 'o' sound. Iida spoke up from behind them, surprising Denki and making Sero and Kirishima laugh. "I agree with Ashido-san. Working on being a hero requires teamwork. Them not having it is detrimental to their dream of becoming number one." He chopped his hands in his signature robotic motions.

The rest of the class came into the conversation slowly. "Iida-Kun is right. I feel sorry for Deku, but we must for his dream!" Uraraka said with fire in her eyes. She was determined to help her friend.

"How are you planning on doing that." Shoji Asked. Uraraka fell silent. She turned to him slowly and rubbed the back of her neck. "I was still figuring that out."

Momo interrupted. "Why don't we just do something simple to build it up? Like, make them do class duty together or play a game and team them up?" Mina jumped with Denki.

"Yes, game night." She exclaimed and Denki finished the rest. "It will count as a class bonding moment too."

Kirishima shrugged. "Could work." Koda raised a shy hand.

"I have a few board games." He said softly. The rest of the class stayed silent to hear him and show that his voice was also appreciated.

Mineta gained a creepy look. "Like twister?!" He exclaimed. Koda nodded hesitant. "Girls, how flexible are you? Ne, ne, tell me." He salivated. Tsuyu flicked him in the air with her tongue where Sero restrained him. Denki send his fellow pervert a pitying glance.

"But how do we do that with the entire class? Most board games only have up to 10 players." Koda spoke quietly again.

"I have werewolves of millers hollow." He said.

Fumikage nodded in approval. "Good game."

Kirishima shrugged. "That's a fun one. Besides, we could always do things to team them up like 7 minutes in heaven or truth or dare."

"Or two truths one lie, or Simon says, or a guessing game. No, skip the second one. I don't think Bakugou would do that." Mina said before adding the last in deep thought.

"So it's settled. We're holding a game night." Momo said. Iida immediately began calling order. Who knows what would happen if he didn't.

Todoroki sighed and made his way to the kitchen to slurp some cold soba. He didn't want to deal with that shit until the night began.


While that was happening, Midoriya stood outside Kacchan's room. He knocked and the said blonde opened. "Who the fuck is it and what do yo- oh, nerd. Come in." He said.

Izuku skipped inside. "Getting somewhere?" He asked. Nodding towards the unfinished homework that painfully reminded him of his own. That's why he brought it!

"Nah." He shrugged. "Fucking work. Can't focus on that shit." He said. Izuku sat down on Kacchan's bed.

"I brought mine so we can do it together." He said. Katsuki 'tch'ed but pulled his work to him anyways. "How'd you do 4c?" Izuku Asked as they got into their normal routine.

When the last letter was set on paper, the blonde slammed his book shut and shoved it to the other side of the desk. "Fucking finally. Damn shitty work, trying to fucking murder my brain, damn bastard must enjoy making us suffer." He barked like an angry dog.

Izuku giggled. He was so adorable when angry. "What. Got something to say shitty nerd." He barked with his attention now on Deku.

Izuku held his hands up in surrender. "Nope, you're just cute when you're like that." Kacchan blushed.

"Huh, I'm not cute shitty Deku." He said, his face flushed. Deku just looked at the red tips of his ears.

"Totally." He said with a thumbs up. Just as Bakugou was about to blow up again he hugged his stomach. "You're totally not cute. You're hot." His speech muffled through Kacchan's stomach.

Bakugou huffed and petted his head. "I think they're clueless." Midoriya said, throwing Bakugou off.

"What?" He mumbled. "The class." Midoriya clarified.

His boyfriend snorted. "They're idiots. Plus we're not really lovely dovely outside." He grumbled.

"It's so funny. Every time we talk to each other they act like you're gonna blow my face off." Midoriya laid his chin on his boyfriends chest and grinned up at him.

"I can do that." He grinned at the greenette beneath him before kissing him. Midoriya didn't waste any time in kissing back. Katsuki grinned in the kiss, loving the effect he had in making sure the other male gave in instantly.

He flipped them over. Now Katsuki was on top and Izuku was the bottom. Katsuki straddled his boyfriends hips. "I'm top idiot." He growled playfully.

Izuku grinned, feeling a little mischievous grinned. "You sure, I think you're the one straddling me." Kacchan bit his neck with a growl. He flipped the smaller male beneath him over so he was on his stomach and pinned his wrists above his head.

"Not anymore." He smirked victoriously. Izuku activated his quirk and flipped them so he was straddling Kacchan who pushed further so that they flipped over again. "I win, Baka." He drawled before diving right back into the kiss.

After their make-out session they cuddled up. "Wanna bet their going to do something stupid when they find out."

Izuku huffed petulantly. "I don't bet about things I know I'm gonna lose." They enjoyed each other's presence until a knock came.

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