My eyes widened. "Ron? How did Ron know and I didn't even realise myself?"

"I don't think you wanted to realise," Mione said. "Dont be offended, but you are quite stubborn."

"I'm not offended," I said, waving my hand. "But anyway, none of that matters now. He said I was his best friend. Friend!"

"Why though?" She asked. "Tell me what happened."

"Well," I began fiercely, tugging at the bottom of top. "I saw Elwood and we hugged. Harry suddenly got all protective, saying stuff like, 'you two looked cozy', and 'I don't want my best friend kissing guys in alleys' and asking if I'd snogged Elwood..."

My voice faded as I realised how ridiculous I sounded. It couldn't be more obvious - Harry Potter was jealous.

Mione was now giggling uncontrollably. "That is so cute! He was being protective of you!"

I hummed, shaking my head. "I just wish I knew how he felt."

"Well," Mione said, nudging me, "why don't you ask him?" She gestured towards the window, and I quickly glanced outside. Harry and Ron were walking towards the pub; they looked as though they were deep in conversation, Harry wearing a troubled expression. I furrowed my eyebrows and bit my lip, turning back to Mione. "You need to talk to him, Millie."

I sighed, nodding - it was the only way.

"If it makes you feel any better," Mione said slowly, "I bought the cat that chased Scabbers."

I burst out laughing, looking at my friend in disbelief, "What! Why?"

"Because he is gorgeous!" Mione sighed happily. That was a matter of opinion, I thought. I personally thought that it looked like it had run headlong into a wall. The cats ginger fur had been thick and fluffy, but it had definitely been a bit bow-legged and it's face had looked grumpy and oddly squashed. "But mainly so he can annoy Ron," she added contently, laying out on my bed as I laughed loudly.


Dinner that night was surprisingly fun for me, despite the Harry situation. Tom the innkeeper put three tables together in the parlour and the seven Weasleys, Mum, Dad, Harry, Mione (her parents had left early - dental emergency) and I ate our way through five delicious courses.

Harry and I sat on opposite sides of the table, but this didn't stop him sending me guilty looks every few seconds, to which I ignored. The thought of speaking to him alone made me nervous, and this annoyed me. Even if I did get him alone, what the bloody hell would I say?

"How're we getting to King's Cross tomorrow, Dad?" asked Fred, as we tucked into a sumptuous chocolate pudding.

"The Ministry's providing a couple of cars," said Mr Weasley.

Everyone looked at him.

"Why?" Percy asked curiously. He was wearing a brand-new silver badge on his chest, which read 'Headboy'.

"It's because of you, Perce," said George seriously. "And there'll be little flags on the bonnets, with HB on them-"

-for Humungous Bighead," said Fred.

I snorted into my pudding as Mrs Weasley sent them both stern glares.

"Why are the Ministry providing cars, Father?" Percy asked again, in a dignified voice.

"Well, erm..."

"It's because of me," Dad said, and all four adults nodded instantly. His story checked out - he was a well-known Auror, after all - but I couldn't help but notice my Dad bite his lip, just like I did when I was under pressure or nervous.

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