chapter 2

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        After a couple of weeks Juliet goes to the maggias hideout to find that they bought her, her very own iron man suit, but with modification for Juliet’s body and it turns her hair black to not show her natural hair color. When her mask is lifted up it turns it back to brown. she is smiling when she sees it. Justin hammer sold it to the maggia for a low price and the hand for Juliet. “What!? I have to marry that creep?!” Juliet’s mother said “of course not you’re much too young! When you of age you are to marry him” “that’s not fair! Why can’t I have a say in –“ “YOU WILL DO AS YOU ARE TOLD” a deep voice yelled behind her. “yes step father” she cringes her teeth. On top of that Obadiah bought her for her skills, so she is a new member of the guards men and will be making her first debut at the guards men expo.

        At the expo she is lifted up on stage, with her arms crossed and hip to the side, along with “fire power” as well as force and shockwave. Stane calls her “Iron women” not the most original name I know. Obadiah introduces her and shows off her advanced hand to hand combat skills. That’s when iron man comes in and interrupts them; all guards’ men attacked him Juliet stayed off to the side for now. When iron man asks to reveal their identities, Juliet gets a bit worried that he will show hers, she attacks him! She is punches him through all sides she’s so fast it’s like a bug bothering you. Her elbow and knee parts on her armor act as sharp blades that can cut through anything. She tries to cut him, the other guards men are also attacking. When he blasts her off the stage, she gets angry and hops back and at really goes at it with him. “I’m not going to fight you! You’re not even properly protected! you call that an armor!?” iron man yells at iron woman. “Aw how sweet iron loser you’re worried about me. Ha! My armor has an invisible barrier around it so I am protected against your attacks!” with one final punch she knocks him off the stage. The guard’s men gang up on him, but that’s when war machine comes in! Juliet notices that things will escalate quickly now that war machine is there she secretly runs off while they are beating fire power, she did this to avoid getting turned into the authorizes. 

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