Walking through the backdoor of the mansion, Adrien runs into a few maids who were busy preparing dinner.

"Oh, excuse me, are the parents home?" he asks one of the maids who nearly rammed him.

She apologized sincerely with a bow, before letting him know that the parents were out at the Emporium with Felix for the day. When asked where the other children were, the maid mentions that Spencer had gone out with some friends, Blaire was visiting her grandmother for the week, and Mercer was upstairs playing video games. After thanking her for the info, Adrien left back out.

Since the afternoon was coming to a close, he assumed that he should go check on the Emporium. Hopefully by then, he could talk to Felix a little more. The boy had been growing up pretty fast, and was already 16 years old. Time had gone by too quickly for Adrien's liking.

He made it to the Emporium as fast as he could, and found that they hadn't closed up shop yet. The Emporium was placed between two stores, a coffee shop, and an arcade, but they were spaced apart to give off the looks of alleyways. The Emporium was also located in the downtown area, so of course it made sense when there was a line waiting to get in. Adrien took his trip to the back of the store, and walked in unannounced. He found Mrs. Edison working the cash register, Mr. Edison was busy stocking up some more boxes into the storage room, and Felix was busy helping customers find what they needed.

It appeared the place was booming.

Being an Antique shop had its advantages and disadvantages. Seeing as it was full of brightly colored items, it looked more like a fortune teller's home away from home. There were many things hanging from the ceilings, a lot of jars and containers on glass shelves, and the rest just piled up on the counters or walls. Most of the items were either trinkets, body fossils, weird slime in cans or bottles, and anything else you could think of.

Adrien wasn't quite sure where the Edisons got their weird knick knacks and the like, but it intrigued him with how many people were interested in their crazy designs and mystical materials.

"Oooh, I like this scarf! It's so colorful and vibrant! How much?"

It seems even the simplest things could be found as well. Although the scarf the elder woman was asking for had some magical aura to it, Adrien could see its value. It looked like a blend of the nebula's colors, and yet, held a spark of magic in it. He guessed if anyone would wear it, it would give them some type of ability. He hoped the woman knew what she was doing.

"That's a wonderful choice, ma'am. If you like, you could get the set of 3 for the price of one. That'll be $15," Felix spoke with a smile.

The woman was already wearing a scarf, but it looked tethered and worn. Adrien wondered if she knew this was an Antique shop and not a clothes store. But, she accepted the offer, which made Felix gesture her towards the counter where his mother was busy ringing up customers.

"Come this way and we will get them checked out for you."

Adrien was impressed to find Felix acting as a young businessman. He knew how to get the customers rolling in and out on time. He sat back and just watched for a while, before Felix finally had a chance to take a break. Adrien followed him as he walked into the back of the store, making his way to the massive lounge room, where he sat down to count the day's funds.

The lounge room consisted of 4 brand new black couches, a couple glass coffee tables, a commercial kitchen, and a shelf full of books that sat against a wall.

"Good afternoon, Felix," Adrien greets with a smile, taking a seat a few cushions away from the boy.

Felix was wearing one of his signature black long-sleeved shirts with his name imprinted on it, black jeans, a cap, and his favorite black shoes on his feet. Looking up through his red-rimmed glasses to see Adrien greeting him made him smile lightly.

The Last Dragonpire (Book 1 of the Burmia Series)Where stories live. Discover now