Chapter 4

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Rosalie's P.O.V

Usagi and I fell asleep after a few hours of talking. I woke up early though, and by early I mean 4 am. I walked over to where the food was. I noticed there was a figure asleep on the couch near where the espresso thing was. I quietly walked over to the figure, noticing the rifle near them and a blanket on the floor.

"Niragi?" He was hugging himself, shivering slightly. I grabbed the blanket and covered him, giving him a gentle kiss on the forehead. I then got up, made myself a cup of coffee, then walked around The Beach.

I kept walking around, even after finishing my coffee. I stood leaning against the balcony that was above where the pool was. I climbed onto the railing and sat there, just feeling free.

"Do you have a death wish," a voice said behind me. I turned to see Last Boss leaning against the doorway, katana strapped across his back. I laughed and got up, walking on the railing.

"I've always been told that I'm a bit mad and thrill seeking. I never worried about death. It wasn't as scary as some people may think. It's fun." I did a few fun things, like cartwheels and backbends on the railing. "My mom called me Harley Quinn for a reason."

Last Boss looked at me concerned, worried I would fall. I laughed a little, jumping down onto the floor of the balcony. I put my long hair into a bun, before walking next to him. "So what's got you to be up this early?"

"I was looking for Niragi. He didn't show up last night to the milatents meeting so I went looking for him." I explained that he was on the couch by the coffee machine, asleep.

He left after about 10 minutes of talking. I headed to Usagi and I's shared room to get ready for the day. She was already awake and had food for the both of us. We both ate while deciding what to wear today. I grabbed a cut out one piece swimsuit. It showed my dreamcatcher tattoo, which I could finally take off the bandage I had on it.

"Wow," Usagi said, staring at all my tattoos. "Why did you get all these tattoos?"

"I got them because I wanted to show my biological family that I am not who they think I am. They treated me horribly before I was adopted."

I told her about how my birth giver (That's who I call my mother) would call me a weakling and a dumb b*tch. My father was just a deadbeat who didn't even try to help me when I was struggling. So they abandoned me at the orphanage when I was 6 years old.

Usagi tried to comfort me, but I wasn't that hurt. Now, I have a better life than before.

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