Chapter 17: This Is What I Need, Please?

Start from the beginning

                Noah walked me to my first class, lingering outside with me. Girls passed by to go into class, giggles being shared among them. He smirked and I had to pinch his arm. “Be careful and don’t let your head get too big.” I started walking into class but he grabbed my arm to pull me back.

                He pulled me against his chest and left an attentive kiss on my lips. “I’ll be here after class and we’ll walk together.”

I nodded and gave him another quick kiss.

                I was surprised to find Ashley already in class. It was kind of crazy how we used to be inseparable but now we only see each other like once a week. She waved me over, gesturing to the empty seat next to her. “I’m pretty sure I haven’t seen you in two years.” She sighed.

                 “It feels like it.” I agreed.

                “How’s Noah?” She asked, her tone laced with excitement. “Ash told me he was back for good so that’s got to mean something.”

It definitely means something. “Yeah, he’s here and not going anywhere.”

                “Ash is still on the fence about it. But he’s your brother and no one is good enough for you.” She mocked his voice and I started laughing.

But it was true. “Noah’s something else.”

                “If he treats you like the princess you are, then I think he’s perfect.” She grinned.

                Talking about boys with Ashley was something we used to do before everything happened. And it seems so normal for us. Like there was nothing else to care about except if our boyfriends are treating us properly.

                After class, Ashley and I parted for our next classes. Noah was waiting outside my class for me like he said. He held onto my hand as we walked to our next class together. He told me about his first class and I told him about mine. He seemed to be okay so far. Nothing out of the ordinary, but I still worried about him a little.

                Instead of taking the seat beside me, he decided to take the empty seat behind me. It would probably be easier for him to poke me and annoy me if he wanted. And I’m sure that’s exactly what he wanted.

                Lunch was even more eventful. Since Noah was too cool to make friends, he sat with me and Ashley in the courtyard. No talk of Scott or why Noah left never came up in conversation and that was more than okay.

                I felt myself falling for Noah more and more each day again. The feelings were stronger since last year. Much stronger. And I don’t know if the feelings scared me or made me happy. They were something though. Something I couldn’t share with Noah.

                 Not yet anyway.

                Noah was waiting for me by my locker at the end of school. Well, he could have been just going to his locker. I grabbed my bag and the text books I needed for homework before closing my locker and following Noah out to his car. When we were on the main road, I finally spoke. “Was your day okay?”

He gave me a half shrug. “Can’t complain, I guess.”

                “Anything from Larson?” I asked slowly.

He flashed me a look and shook his head. “Nothing. I’ll call when we get home.”

 I left it alone after that.

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