Six :)

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Your pov (finally)

I can't believe I acted like that. I was so scared When basically nothing happened. This is why I shouldn't be a hero. I'm glad i wasn't accepted, i would have just made things harder for everyone who is actually going places.

'You are PATHETIC. You parents were correct to kick you out, they didn't just stop loving you They knew how much of a failure you would have been.'

I feel tears running down my face when I hear a knock at my door.

I wipe the tears, and make sure Tamanegi (ur dog) is somewhere where he won't run out the door.

You open it and see that aggressive pomeranian from earlier.

How did he know where I lived?

"Uh hi?"

He looked red, he looked down and scratched the back of his head.

"How did you know where I lived?" he looked up at you and bit his lip.

"I kind of followed you home? But it wasn't in a creepy way!" he said snapping at the end.

"Okay. why then?" you question.

"Look, just, about earlier I was a dick.. So.. Hang out with me so i can make it up to you!" he asks a little less than politely.

"Uh, sure?"

"Now give me your phone number!" his face was quite red now, is he embarrassed.

You hand him your phone when he holds out his.

You set your name in his phone just as your name. Boring I know. But i'm not in the mood. If i was it would've been something like (something funny) or (something just as funny).

Maybe he has a sense of humour and will change it to something funny.

"Well, i'll talk to you later Y/N?" He smirks.

I smile back and nod.

"Yea, whatever Bakugou " he walks away and I swear I saw him fist pump the air.

I close my door. I feel so much better now. All I needed was someone to talk to. I look at my phone and what he put his name as.

"King explosion murder💥💥"


Yandere Dabi x reader x Yandere BakugoKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat