one :)

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"dear Y/N L/N, we are sorry to say that you have not been accepted to U.A high school"

your heart drops. you hadn't been accepted to U.A. the school that was going to help you become a hero... you knew you should have tried harder at the entrance exam.

you can help but think this when Izuku's name pops into your head.

' i didn't get in there with a quirk, no way Izuku got in either' you felt a pang of guilt for thinking low of your best friend.

you decided to call him, maybe to ask him to come over.

(Izuku = underlined) (you = This one)


"Izuku, hi, its Y/N. i have some.. news"

"oh! Y/N! I have some great news!"

he said with glee, maybe not hearing what you said about your news.

"I got into U.A!! I'm so excited! i- sorry, did you say something about having news? Y/N? I didn't mean to interrupt- hello?"

you had dropped the phone when he said he got in. you realize he was still there, so you mumble a quick apology and excuse to hang up.

"Well, tell me later I guess? bye :)"

you hang up the phone and lay on your bed. looking at a poster on your ceiling of just about every hero.

'i guess i wasn't good enough...'

you stand up and walk out to your small living room, (you live alone) you sit on a bean bag and cry, your dog, Tamanegi, a small King Charles Spaniel trots over to you and looks at you with his sad eyes, almost as if he shared your pain.

"Hey baby, Mommys okay, Please don't look so sad.." even when you said that Tamanegi's facial expression didn't change, but he did drop a squeaky toy in your lap.

"mommy can't play right now-" Tamanegi looked at you like

*girl I know you have nothing to do, P L A Y* .

you sigh and grab the squeaky mouse, Tamanegi growls and tries to tug it from you., but those 10 months practicing for U.A weren't for nothing. you play tug of war for about 5 minutes until you surrender.

you stand up and walk to your mini fridge, leaving your dog to break yet another toy. your mini fridge is your favourite possession, even though it holds a lot less than a normal refrigerator, it holds a decent amount of necessities- most of the time, at the moment you seem to have a mouthful of milk left and one piece of gross bacon from 3 nights ago....

'damn! who keeps leaving the milk like this! just finish it- oh wait.. that was me.'

                                                                          ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

You walk out of the shop, and it starts raining. like as soon as your foot hits the concrete. you sigh and pull your hoodie hood up, you realize it's getting quite dark, and the rain isn't stopping anytime soon, you duck into and alley and start taking a 'shortcut'

'great thinking Y/N... a 15 year old girl walking alone in a dark alley, at night, and you can barely SEE ANYTHING-'

then you smack your head with your palm. I have a quirk DuH. you snap your fingers, and a small light bubble appears, kind of cute, but don't touch it, it will melt your skin.

Y/N L/N: QUIRK: illuminated Acid

Y/N can make a super bright acid bubble in the air with the snap of her fingers, they can be as big as a small dog (a king Charles spaniel for reference) they might seem pretty, but dont touch them! they will burn straight through your skin. if she over uses her quirk a few layers of her skin will disintegrate.

( i am pretty sure i came up with this, don't @me, and you can use it for OCs or your own stories, just credit me if you do :) )

apparently you snapped at the right time because there was somebody right in front of you.

"AH! JEezUS." you jump, dropping an item you were holding since it didn't fit in your bag.

you could only see a pair of blue eyes, beautiful blue eyes i might add- you could barely make out their face, a lot of piercings, da-yum if you had that many your parents would disown you, if they didn't disown you already.

"hello there~"

"why hello! and why goodbye!" you spin around and are about to walk away from this creepy guy, when he puts his hand on your shoulder.

"wait, you dropped this." you turn around and see him holding your dogs food, That's what you dropped.

"Ah- thank you-" he's holding it towards you but not letting go..?

"boy you can let go now."

"you know, a girl as young and beautiful as yourself shouldn't be alone out here~ there are dangerous people lurking about, waiting for prey~"

you nod and scratch the back of your head "and that's why I should be heading home now, a thank you very much :)"

you yank the dog food from his hands and walk out into the rain again, not really wanting to be in anymore alley's.

Yandere Dabi x reader x Yandere BakugoKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat