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Joseph Lyle Menendez was born on January 10, 1968. He was born in New York City and grew up outside of Princeton, New Jersey.

Their father exerted immense pressure on the brothers to succeed in school and athletics.

After the Menendez family moved to Southern California in 1986, the brothers grew more rebellious under the right grip of their father.

Lyle returned to New Jersey the following year by enrolling at Princeton University.


Lyle is the older brother out of the two. He played sports such as tennis, swim, and soccer.

He was sexually abused by his father from ages 6-8. He was also mentally, physically, verbally, and emotionally abused by both parents.

When Lyle was about 8 years old he went into his older cousin's room. He told her that he was scared to sleep in his room because of his father. Good father would touch Lyle down there and make Lyle touch him down there.

His mother would also was Lyle's whole body up until he was 13.

She would also make Lyle sleep with her and touch her everywhere. She would also ask Lyle if she looked good, she was usually naked when she asked this.

When Lyle told his mother that he wanted to stop doing these things she was angry at him.

Sometimes she would lock Lyle in his room until their father got home from work. Lyle would be in there for hours. He wouldn't even risk going out of his room to use the restroom. So he had a bucket under his bed that he would pee/poop in.

Lyle would always stick up for his younger brother Erik.

Lyle always got more attention than Erik growing up.

One time Erik bought a similar color of shoes as their gay cousin and their father made fun of Lyle and called him the f-slur.

Their father made Lyle wear a hair piece because his hair was thinning. Their father did not except his eldest son with less hair on his head. Their father told Lyle it was better for his image if he had thicker hair.

One time when Lyle and their mother were fighting she grabbed Lyle's hair piece and ripped it off his head.

Erik was standing behind Lyle when this all happened.

Lyle took Erik and told him that he didn't want Erik to find out that he wore a hair piece. Erik told Lyle that their father was still touching him and forcing him to have sex with him. Erik was crying when he said that.

Lyle then told Erik that their father would never touch him again.

Their father threatened to kill them if they told anybody about what he was doing to Erik.

The brothers had purchased 12 gauge shotguns.

Their parents called the brothers into the den/living room. The brothers knew that their parents were about to kill them. The windows were covered and doors were shut and locked.

The brothers grabbed they guns and started firing.

The brothers went to the movies after the killing of their parents. When they arrived home Lyle made the call to 9-1-1. He was crying and telling them someone has shot their parents.

The brothers hid the guns in the trunk of one of their cars. They later threw them away in a garbage bin.

The brothers got money from their parents will. Lyle bought a rolex and a Porsche sports car.

Months later Lyle got arrested. Erik got arrested a little bit after Lyle. I'll talk about Erik's arrest in his part.

During court the judge said if they were girls they wouldn't of been sentenced to parole. Lyle almost got the death penalty, but the jury ended up having a heart attack.

After many trials the brothers were sentenced to a life sentence in prison. The brothers were sentenced to two different prisons. Lyle was sent to Mule Creek State Prison in Lone, California.

Lyle married Anna Eriksson, a pen pal and former model, in 1996. They ended up getting a divorce. Then in 2003, Lyle had his second wedding behind bars, but this time it was magazine editor Rebecca Sneed.

He continuously fought for a new trial, though appeals were declined repeatedly.

Lyle remained mostly quiet for the following years. Lyle has spent his time lifting weights, playing basketball, and caring for his pet lizard.

He was also serving as president of the inmate government and leading a support group for victims of sexual abuse, and violence.

There's much more information and details to their case. If your interested about their case watch their trials on court tv and watch their documentaries on hulu or amazon prime video.

If you think that these boys deserve justice make sure to signs petitions and spread awareness about them. Also make sure to not sexualize them!

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