48) Each time you fall in love

Start from the beginning

She looked around for Neville and Hannah but they were nowhere to be seen so she awkwardly stood near the bar, soaking in the afternoon sun. Her gaze travelled over more of the guests but none of them looked towards her. Soon, the quartet began to play music and people found partners to dance. Even though it was a semi-formal party in the middle of the day, everyone still enjoyed the ballroom dance.

Adrienne rested her empty champagne flute on the bar and was about to make her way to the restrooms to freshen up when she suddenly felt a soft hand slide into hers and pull her away from the bar. Adrienne gasped as she was spun around and was now face to face with none other than Hermione Granger.

"Would you like to dance with me, Adrienne?" Hermione asked, a kind smile on her face. She looked phenomenal in her baby blue dress that hugged her in all the right places and flowed down from her waist. Adrienne was shocked at her sudden experience and her mouth open and closed like a fish out of water. But there was no way she could run away now.

"O-of course Hermione, it's so nice to see you here" Adrienne chuckled nervously as Hermione rested one hand on her waist and used the other hand to interlace her fingers with Adrienne's. "Nice to see you too, I've been waiting for someone to dance with. I would've asked Ron but he's got two left feet, you do know Ron don't you?" she asked, eyebrows slightly raised.

The two women danced to the music from the quartet, their dresses fluttering around them as they twisted and turned. Hermione's eyes stared straight into Adrienne's as she awaited her response.

"Ron...I-I've never heard of him" Adrienne lied.

Hermione pursed her lips together, "That's odd, I thought you'd have some memory of him" she emphasised on the word 'memory' and Adrienne gulped, hoping Hermione didn't notice how anxious she was.

"No, I don't know who you're talking about" Adrienne said more firmly.

"What about Harry, you do know him don't you? We swung by together at the nursery" Hermione raised her eyebrows once again.

That's when Adrienne realised that Hermione was on to something, and she wouldn't stop questioning her until she got all her answers. "Yes I know Harry, who doesn't? You, him and Ron defeated Voldemort for Merlin's sake" Adrienne laughed in a fit of nervousness.

Hermione narrowed her eyes at her "Funny, just seconds ago you mentioned you didn't know who Ron was"

Adrienne's breath hitched in her throat and she met Hermione's eyes once more "What do you want Hermione? Why are you asking me all these questions?" she asked.

"Because Adrienne" Hermione said, dipping her before pulling her back up, "There's something you're not telling me, you're hiding a secret and you know it" Hermione finally confronted her.

Adrienne's heart beat wildly in her chest, her palms becoming sweaty "Who told you I'm hiding anything? Was it Fred? I bet it was him after he interrogated me at dinner some time ago" Adrienne spoke, trying to control the shakiness in her voice. "As a matter of fact, it was Fred" Hermione looked slightly angry "And everything he said makes sense"

Adrienne pulled away from Hermione, her breath becoming heavier by the second "I have nothing to tell you, you and Fred are terribly mistaken" she said, her tone dropping low.

"Actually, we're not mistaken" a deeper voice sounded from behind her. Adrienne turned around to see George and Harry standing there, arms crossed over their chests, they too looked visibly upset though not as angry as Hermione. Adrienne did a sharp intake of breath when she realised that this wasn't going to turn out very well.

"Who are you, Adrienne?" Harry asked.

George, Hermione, Ron, Harry and Ginny were still not sure of Adrienne's identity. They were still confused as to how Adrienne could be connected to them, but they knew the main part of it: she had obliviated them.

An Affair to Remember (Fred Weasley)Where stories live. Discover now