Lovely Lady

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A/N: I'm going to try something a bit different where it's their POV and not narrations of them. Let me know how you like it.

*Jamie's POV*

I woke up to the usual knocking on my door, 07:30 exactly. "Good morning you too." I said opening the door. I was a little surprised to see three bodies instead of two. "Good morning to you too." I said smiling a her now girlfriend. "Shall we eat foods ready." Owen said with his usual energy.

"How do you three do this." I said rubbing my eyes. "It's a gift dear, maybe start going to bed earlier." Hannah said putting a hand on my shoulder. "If only I didn't work from 09:00-23:00(9:00am-11:00pm)." I said smirk towards Hannah.

"Alright enough talking work, talk food." Owen said with a giggle digging into his dish. As we all began to eat, I was amazed my by Owen dish. "Good God Owen, it's amazing." I said before placing anything fork full in my mouth. "Agreed. What is it?" Hannah asked with a smile. "Gypsy toast." Owen said with a smile. "Really? Looks nothing like it" Dani said stunned.

"That's because it's-"Owen said before I cut him off. "Shit!" I said running upstairs quickly. "What is she-" Owen said before getting cut off again. "You alright dear?!" Hannah said looking at Dani who was swelling up. I ran back downstairs tossing a Epipen to Owen. "I- What!" Owen said nervous about what to do with it. "Darling give it to me she's all swelled up." Hannah said calmly. Owen handed it over to Hannah who calmly used it on Dani.

"What just happened!" Owen said worried and confused. "Dani is extremely allergic to cinnamon." I said calmly. "Jamie I'm sorry I didn't know." Owen said feeling guilty. "Hey it isn't your fault how could you have known." I said giving Owen the comfort needed. "She should lay down and rest." Hannah said holding a tired Dani. "Owen will you help me bring her up to my flat?" I asked kindly.

"The cinnamon on my fingers won't hurt her?" Owen said feeling very guilty. "Dear this wasn't your fault, no one could've known she was allergic to cinnamon, and maybe wash your hands first." Hannah said comforting Owen. Owen felt better after this and ran to wash his hands. He gently helped Dani while Jamie and Hannah went ahead of him to open the door.

"Right just set her on my bed." I said with a smile towards Owen. As he helped her onto the bed she became exhausted. I read Dani like a book and decided to let her rest. "Right we should let her rest." I said towards Owen and Hannah walking out of my room. Both of them followed me out into the main room.

"I can't miss work again, do you mind watching over her? I could call her sister if you can't." I asked Hannah. "Don't worry go to work I'll watch her." Hannah said to me shooing me out of the flat.

"Morning Charlotte." I said entering the flower shop in a rush. "You alright?" She asked me confused. "Yeah I just didn't want to be late." I said relieved looking at the clock, 09:00 exactly. "Well thank you for not being late." Charlotte said with a smile.

As we were working we had many customers come and go till around 11:00. "Today's fairly busy." I said with a smile. "I'm not the only one who thought that." Charlotte said laughing. "Dominic is dropping off the kids at 12:00, they have a early day today. He has to leave for work so he's dropping them off here." Charlotte informed me.

"That's great, the little gremlins can help with the customers." I said with a smile. Worked continued on normally till around 11:30 when a man walked in. "Hello lovely lady, I was wondering if you could help me with a flower arrangement." He said looking at me. "Unfortunately I don't do the arrangements my friend Charlotte over there can help." I said kindly, lying to get him away.

"Well what can you do for me?" He said with a smirk. I stood behind the counter shocked and frozen. "Hello what are you on to shop for today?" Charlotte said kindly. She then noticed my stiffness and sensed me being uncomfortable. She gave me a look of reassurance to go to the back.

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