Amora Phantomhive

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Finally!!! Here is my drawing of Amora

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Finally!!! Here is my drawing of Amora. As I had spent well over 8 hours REDRAWING and coloring this, I kinda did a half ass job coloring towards the end.

(As you can tell the jacket color sucks, and it could have been better. But I was so    d o n e    working on this picture.)

*In case you didn't know, the reason why I had to redraw this picture was because... Well, my phone decided to force me into factory resetting it due to "low storage space" and refused to let me finish the first drawing. Long story short I lost that drawing and had to do everything over again! 😭😠👿😤😤😵😖😭
So yeah, that is why I just became done with this.


Let's make this interesting, shall we?

For starters, this will most likely be added to chapter 53! Key words: most likely. Like a 90% chance. If not, definitely 54, but I'm going to try to make it 53!!

1) If you can judge from the picture, Amora is clearly (I hope clearly) stressing about something. (Panicking, worrying)

DOES ANYONE WANT TO GUESS WHY?? What could cause her to suddenly stress and panic about???

Of course the answer / reasoning will be included in the same chapter, but would like to see your guesses! ❤❤

Comment what you think below!! 🖤🖤🖤

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