January 20th, 2021

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"We're all living the plans of God. He doesn't completely control us, but he does influence us to protect us and teach us. He moves in our actions. What seems bad now could actually be for the greater good. You can't worry about the future, because it will never truly be ours to control. We have to let things fall out as they may."

Please do not forget that the advice you give out to others also applies to yourself. Don't worry so much about the future. You haven't lost your footing in life, you've simply given yourself to the hands of God. Pray to Him. Listen for Him. Praise Him. Share your beliefs. Do not be afraid any longer. There is no reason to be ashamed of your growth. Open your heart towards everything He has to offer you. Your life. The life bustling around you. Those small precious memories. Do not forget to thank Him either.

Discipline yourself into better habits. Drink more water. Read more books that you actually enjoy. Learn to love writing again. Don't give up on your new hobbies. Make new friends. Attend church weekly. Love every moment of every single day.

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