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After promoting Jar Jar to general, because of his part of bringing Gungans and the people of Naboo together, Boss Nass joined everyone in the meeting. Captain Panaka also returned from his meeting with the underground rebellion. 

"Captain." Qui-Gon greeted as he walked up to you all as well. 

"Your Highnesses." Captain Panaka greeted you and Padmé. 

"What is the situation?" Padmé asked. 

"Almost everyone is in camps. A few hundred police and guards have formed an underground resistance movement. I've brought back as many of the leaders as I could. The Federation army's also much larger than we thought, and much stronger. Your Highnesses, this is a battle I do not think that we can win." Captain Panaka explained. 

"The battle is a diversion. The Gungans must draw the droid army away from the cities. R2." Padmé responded. R2 pulled out a map of the palace. 

"We can enter the city using the secret passages on the waterfall side." you explained as a red line appeared on the map, highlighting the passage. "Once we get to the main entrance, Captain Panaka will create a diversion. Then we can enter the palace and capture the viceroy." 

"Without the viceroy, they will be lost and confused." Padmé finished for you. "What do you think, Master Jedi?" 

"The viceroy will be well-guarded." Qui-Gon said thoughtfully. 

"The difficulty is getting into the throne room." Captain Panaka informed. "Once we're inside, we shouldn't have a problem."

"There is a possibility, with this diversion, many Gungans will be killed." Qui-Gon pointed out. Everyone turned to look at Boss Nass. 

"Wesa ready to do our-san part." Boss Nass reassured confidently. 

"We have a plan, which should immobilize the droid army. We will send what pilots we have to knock out the droid control ship orbiting the planet." Padmé explained the plan you and her discussed earlier. 

"A well-conceived plan. However, there's great risk." Qui-Gon said. "The weapons on your fighters may not penetrate the shields." 

"There's an even bigger danger." Obi-Wan chimed in. "If the viceroy escapes, Your Highnesses, he will return with another droid army." 

"Well, that is why we must not fail to get the viceroy." you said with a small smirk. 

"Everything depends on it." Padmé said. 


You and Anakin were helping some Gungans load up weapons  when Padmé approached you both. "___, may I speak to you?" she asked you. 

"Of course, Padmé." you answered as you walked away with her to another area where there wasn't too many people around. You turned around and saw that Anakin stopped what he was doing to see what you were doing. You gave him a reassuring smile. 

I'll be right back

You told him through the Force. It was getting easier and easier to speak to Anakin through the Force. It seemed like the more and more time you and Anakin spent together and the closer you both got, the more stronger your Force Connection grew. 

"___, I want you to stay with Anakin and hide somewhere safe with him when we begin our mission." Padmé said to you. 

"But aren't I suppose to go with you to the throne room? To help you overthrow the viceroy?" you asked, not quite understanding why she didn't want you to come with her.

"The viceroy needs my signature on the treaty more than yours, because I am Queen of Naboo. They more so want you in their hands either as leverage or keep you in captive. If anything was to happen to me, then you would become Queen of Naboo and they can force to you sign the treaty." Padmé explained to you. "I think it's best for you and for Naboo if you were to stay hidden during this. Right now, you are still the Princess of Naboo and the future will be in your hands if anything happens to me." 

"But nothing will happen to you, sister." you said as you gave her a small smile. "We will end this all here and now."

"I have faith it will all end here as well, but please do this for me. You're only nine years old and still a child and you have the weight of the future of our home on your shoulder. It's not fair to you, but you have to do this." 

"You're only fourteen and still a child too." you argued. 

"Please stay hidden and safe with Anakin until one of the Jedi or I get you both." Padmé pleaded with you. 

You sighed before nodding your head. You were really prepared to go out and fight for Naboo, not hide away. You wanted to be right by your sister's side through this. But you ultimately understood where Padmé was coming from. Naboo needed you safe and alive if anything was to happen to Padmé. You knew the chances of something actually happening to her was slim, but there was still a chance. 

Padmé smiled at you before pulling you into a hug, which you quickly return. "I love you, sister. Please come back to me safely." you said quietly to her. 

"I love you too and I promise I will." Padmé smiled at you. "Remember, stay together with Anakin and hide somewhere safe until someone gets you both." 

"I promise." 

You both pulled away from your hug as Captain Panaka called you both over. 

"Your Highnesses, all the preparations are done. Everyone is ready to begin." he informed you both. You and Padmé nodded at each other before Padmé spoke. 

"Let's begin." 


Big sister Padmé always looking out for the reader 🥺♥️

Just wanted to get one last moment in with Padmé before everyone spilts up! 

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! The next chapter will most likely come out Thursday or Friday! Thank you all for the continuous support and love on this story and your kind words!! Words cannot describe how grateful I am so many enjoy this small story of mine, it truly means a lot ♥️

Until the next chapter!

I Live to Make You Free (Anakin x Reader) BOOK ONE *COMPLETED*Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin