I Want Bread!

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(Y/n)'s Pov

"Look Bepo it's a bakery! Wait right here I'll be back in a minute" Since Law had decided to leave the submarine for the time being there was nothing stopping me from buying some tasty bread and eating it. He despised all bread to the point of where no one was allowed to bring it on to the sub but I broke that rule every chance that I got. Bread was my favorite food and I wasn't going to allow Law to keep me away from it.

"Afternoon Miss, what can I get for you today?" Looking over my opinion I quickly decided on a dozen rolls before I paid the lady the appropriate amount of Beri's. "Here you are! Have a lovely day Miss" What a charming lady, I couldn't wait to enjoy these rolls with some butter. Though smuggling them into the submarine was going to be difficult. "Thank you so much!"


"(Y/n)-chan you know the Captain doesn't like it when you bring bread onto the submarine. I'm sorry but you know he's going to take it away from you once he finds out" The polar bear was right, Law hated when I brought bread home but as long as I ate them all before, he found out then I'd be happy. "Let's go back to the submarine before Captain Bread-Hater gets back~"

"Alright (Y/n)-chan" I knew Law was still cooped up in some book store so if I was lucky enough, I could finish my rolls in peace before he returned. "These are going to be so tasty~ It has been weeks since I've been able to enjoy any bread~" There was a slight amount of drool running out of my mouth but I quickly wiped it away as I continued back to the submarine.


Ten Minutes Later...

"Hey, Sal! I need butter and make it quick I don't have a lot of time!" Much to the amusement of the cook as soon as the butter dish was handed over, I bolted for the pantry to eat my rolls in private. "You'll soon be in my tummy~ I can't wait~"


Law's Pov

"I don't have this book yet... Has (Y/n)-ya returned to the submarine yet? I don't want her wandering around town for too long" Since it was going to take at least three weeks to reach the next island I wanted to stock up on some medical books to keep me occupied. (Y/n) was supposed to be buying a few things to keep her busy as well but I would need to make sure the girl actually did as I had told her.

"Y-Yes, Captain but s-she brought some rolls from the local bakery back to the sub" So, my girlfriend had decided that'd she break the one rule I asked her to follow? "Pay for these books then meet back on the sub. I have a troublemaker to deal with"


(Y/n)'s Pov

Almost all the rolls were gone as I leaned back against a barrel of wine behind me. Picking up another I started to butter it but when the door flung opened, I froze in my tracks. "(Y/n)-ya how many times do I have to tell you that bread is forbidden on this submarine!?" This wasn't good, I was trapped between a wall and a very angry Law. Well, I'm going to be in trouble anyways so why not go down swinging. "Bread attack!"

Throwing my last remaining roll at Law I watched as he fell backward before I got up and ran pass him. "(Y/n)-ya your punishment is going to much worse if you keep it up!" If Law wanted me punish me then he was going to have to catch me first. "You'll never take me alive!" Whether or not Law would cut me into pieces when he caught me was debatable at this point but I loved making him chase me around the submarine.


Law's Pov

"Captain maybe you shouldn't be so hard on the girl. It's just a little bread and you know how happy it makes her" It was true (Y/n) loved bread but this was my ship and she wasn't going to have anymore. "(Y/n)-ya will not be allowed to eat bread on this ship as long as I'm still breathing!"

It may have seemed harsh but I needed to make sure everyone followed the rules. My troublesome girlfriend was not going to be exempted from it. "My apologies Captain" Without responding to the cook I left the room and started looking for (Y/n). She would be easy to find but I still didn't know what exactly her punishment would be today. "(Y/n)-ya come out from your hiding place and maybe I'll let you go with only a warning... (Y/n)-ya you can't hide from me forever!"


An Hour Later...

(Y/n)'s Pov

I didn't know where Law was at the moment but it was strange, he hadn't found me yet. "Where is he?... Maybe he's not mad at me anymore" If Law was still upset with me then it wasn't a smart idea to leave this storage closet but then again, I didn't want to sleep in here alone. "(Y/n)-ya please come out! I had the kitchen make your favorite soup!"

"Are you still mad at me!?" I was still in the closet but I yelled through the door at Law. "Yes, I'm still mad at you! Though I need to make sure my girlfriend is fed!" We were yelling at each other through the door but my throat was starting to hurt so I slowly opened it. Law indeed had a bowl in his hands though as I walked closer, I realized it was empty. "You lied to me Law! That bowl is empty!"

"And you broke the one rule I gave you (Y/n)-ya. Let's go I need to punish you for not listening to your Captain" Law is not my Captain he's my boyfriend and I don't have to listen to him. "I just wanted some bread!" With Law's hand still gripping my wrist I did something a little reckless. "Ahhhhh!" My shoulder had definitely popped out of the socket when I dropped to the ground in an attempt to get away from the man. "(Y/n)-ya! Why would you do that!?... Bepo-ya help me get (Y/n)-ya to the infirmary she dislocated her shoulder!"

"Serves you right for lying about bringing me soup Law. Ouch, don't be so rough with me when I'm injured" That look Law shot me was cold but I knew he was just in doctor mode right now. "Stupid Law always picking on me" I had said it under my breath and tried my best to ignore the man as Bepo sat me on an examination table before he quickly left the room. "Your fragile and this injury could have been much worse. Sorry about this (Y/n)-ya"


"Ahhhhh! What the hell!? Your supposed to count to three Law!" It hurt much worse getting it back into place then it had when it dislocated but at least now the man would hopefully have mercy on me. "Alright (Y/n)-ya now what shall I do to you?" My shoulder still hurt like hell and Law didn't seem to care as he towered over me. "Love me, hug me and never let me go?"

"I'll let you off with a warning today... but if it happens again, I won't hold back with punishing you. Do you understand (Y/n)-ya?" Hm, I shouldn't argue with him about it but... I can't help myself. "Do you understand that you don't have to share a bed with me?"

"Enough (Y/n)-ya... How about I find you some nice soup to eat?" That sounded nice and I was starting to get a little hungry. "Can I have bread with it?"




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