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Okay this chapter is going to be flash backs with Archie (your brother) and Fangs (your childhood crush/best friend) enjoy!!!❤️

                               Flash back to 5th grade
       Jughead and Fangs were sitting on the swings as Archie and Betty were on the monkey bars. Sweet pea was sitting on top of the swing set as you and Toni we're playing cops and robbers Toni was the cop and you were the robber. Toni had always been your best friend besides from fangs Jughead and sweet pea all of you will always be best friends nothing will ever come between you. Jughead has always had a crush on you it all started one day while you were sitting at lunch and you gave him your cookie. Jughead had always had a weakness for food. No matter what kind (as long as it wasn't healthy) you have had a crush on fangs since you met him.

                           Flash back to when you met Fangs
        You and Jughead were sitting in a booth at when the new kid fangs Fogarty sat next to Jughead. "Y/n this is fangs. You just started going to our school. His dad's in the serpents. Fangs this is y/n "hey " he said his smile making your face hot and cherry red. " Hey you say in response drinking from your milkshake. "Fangs would you want to sit with us " you asked try to be nice to the upper hit guy standing before you. " Yeah sure" he looked at Jughead for permission and Jughead nodded. " So Fangs what grade are you in? " I asked him trying to start a conversation. " 3rd " "same." I said drinking my milkshake. " So who's your teacher? " Fangs asked. " Mrs. Shadow"Jughead answered for me. " I got to go see you around things? " I said taking off jughead's beanie and placing it off on my head. " I hate you " Jughead said snatching it back. " Oh yeah sure " he said as I gave Jughead my milkshake and walked out the door of pops the bell ringing behind me.

Hey sorry for short chapter. Hope you guys like it!!! ️ ❤️ ️ 💜 Love you guys keep reading bye!!!

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