The next morning

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~the next day~

You woke up and went to the living room where everyone was talking.
"hey honey how are you? Are you feeling a little better than last night?"
"not really but i'll be ok why"

you said to her confused because she seemed really calm. Bobby walked up to you

"we been talking and we figured that it would be better if you stayed with sam and dean for a while, while Ellen heals. She doesn't blame you it's just that she wants to be alone right now"

"ok I understand I just need to pick some stuff up"

you said looking at bobby seeming like your about to cry. Sam and Dean took you to the road house to pick your things up. Once you guys were on the way to the bunker dean broke the silence 
"there's someone that stays with us and he would just appear out of nowhere so don't get scared he wears a trenchcoat.... oh and he's an angle"

you thought he was crazy because there's no such things as angels but then you realized that Bobby trusts them so probably their not crazy. When you got there you waited for Sam and dean to get out of the car to show you around. Sam took your bags and Dean showed you around the bunker. He showed you to your room
"if you need anything our rooms are down there"

you walk into your new room and start unpacking. The whole day you stay inside but the next morning Dean called you

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