Fateful Visit

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Chapter 2

" Kyoto." Monica pushed my shoulder. I woke up and looked at her with sleepy eyes.

" Lunch is almost ready."

" Darn, did I miss breakfast Again?"

" About the fifth time this week." She sighed.

I got up. Myles and everyone else was at the table waiting for me.

" So what are we doing today?" I ask.

" I don't have anything planned at the moment but, I do plan on visiting the graveyard in the evening." Myles says.

After he said that, everyone stopped talking. When we visit the graveyard, he means to visit our deceased family members and have a few minutes to ourselves with them. Unfortunately for me, I have no one to visit there. But neither does Myles.

" Find anything?" I ask Zero.

" Nope." he says.

" And we were so close last night." Aster clinched his fists and hit the wall.

" Oh don't get your panties in a bunch, little miss impatient," Achned teased," We have nearly all the time in the world to find him." 

" And what if he gets killed?" Aster glares at him.

" Don't jinx it!!" Achned exclaims.

" I'm just saying." 

" Enough." Zero says and looks up.

" What is it now?" Aster glares.
Zero says nothing and we notice that the tattoo shifts on his cheek.

" It's been a while..mom." Maya looks at her mom's grave. It's about eight o'clock at night.

We spent most of the day working at our jobs. I work at a hair salon.
Boring? Not really if you have the choice to talk to the customers while you do their hair and the other workers. I didn't want that job but Myles told me that I have to work to stay and my cute face isn't gonna pay the bills.
I sat next to Myles on the bench as we watch and listen to the others talk to their loved ones graves.

" It's strange to watch this." Myles says.
I look at him.

" Yeah..it is. To see that other people had families that cared about them and then there's me. Just found in an alley with no memories before that day."

" You probably had a bad cause of amnesia when you were a kid. We found you with a little wound on your head and a pipe with blood on it was near your body. So, we thought you were hit on the head and checked to see if you still alive and brought you to the house. And now your here." 
I smile slightly.

" Yeah." 
I hear a rock hit the back of the bench. So, I look behind me and something catches my eye. It looked like..someone telling me to follow him.

" What are you doing?!" I ask Achned softly as he tries to attract the kid over here.

" Oh come on, I just want to sniff him!" he whispers.

" Ha. Haha. "sniff". You're so funny." Aster whispers, sarcastically.

" We all know the real reason." Zero whispers.

" Curse the ability to read minds." I mutter.

" Tis a blessing and a curse, dear Ryland." Achned teased.

" I'm aware of that." I whisper.

" I think he's coming over." Aster mutters. I look and see the kid walking towards here.
Zero scales up a tree, I turn invisible, Aster hides behind a tree and Achned, of course, sits down.

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