Chapter.4 the zoo

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Royal lapis lazuli's P.O.V. Jasper "I want to go to the human zoo" I commend as Jasper got on one knee "Yes my Royal lapis lazuli it is also a honour to serve as your guard". I had almost forgot how passionate quartz's are when it comes to there job "Jasper you can stand up now and just call me Y/N" I said I didn't like it when jasper keeled before me but I was glad she was passionate about her job at least. "Yes my Y/N" she said standing up she was a bit taller then me which I didn't mind I soon got onto the blue and white ship blue diamond gave me so I could go to the human zoo once we arrived I saw holly blue agate I knew behind that cruel and evil act was a kind and helpful gem who needed help to be the best leader she could be. "Greetings holly" I said with a wave as she turned around to face me "greetings my Royal lapis lazuli!" She said with a small bow as Jasper blushed at holly "oh holly just call me Y/N" I said as holly returned to her normal stance "yes my Y/N" holly said as her eyes rested upon Jasper the perfect quartz. "Oh that's jasper holly" I said with a smile as holly and Jasper were blushing at each other. "G-greetings Jasper" holly Stuttered out as she let her hand out for Jasper to shake it instead of shaking her hand Jasper kissed it cause holly to blush even more. "Greetings holly" Jasper said "Y-Your-" before holly could finish her sentence Jasper finished it for her "I am the perfect quartz is that what you were going to say?" Jasper questioned as she smirked at a blushing holly. "How about you two talk a bit?" I know my way to the other quartz's I said with a wink as I leave the two alone once I reached the cabbies I see the Famethyst's   "hi Carnelian hi skinny! Where's the others?" I asked as carnelian came down from her so called bed. "Sorry they are on duty right now and guess what?" Skinny said with a smile. " painite came the other day and told holly off! He even gave her advice about being a better leader!" Skinny said as carnelian nodded "that's great! How's her attitude been towards you guys?" I asked as looked around to room. "Her attitude is becoming better she is trying her best but it's a bit harder for her then others". Carnelian said as she pondered on the right words to say "well Holly is talking to Jasper and I can tell they like each other they just don't want to admit it" I said with a small smile "perhaps we can get them together?" Skinny said with a smirk.

(Commet if I should do a whole chapter about jasper and holly and there relationship)

Yellow Diamond's Little Helper Yellow diamond x gem fem reader!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt