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[ W i n ]

The cafeteria scene is a warning sign for everyone in the University to not bother and upset me, Win Metawin, or they'll have to deal with Bright Vachirawit's wrath.

It is clear for the world to see that P'Bai had treasured me as his favorite person and no one can mess with me...

So, I had most fun because people didn't bother me and started treating me with care!

Everyone is pampering me!

Especially Mike and Gunsmile!

They are babying me and it's nice!

I loved being pampered because everyone around me was like that to me since I can remember.

Dad, Mom, my siblings, and my neighbors said I'm their favorite!

And when P'Bai came to my life, he started being protective of me too like everyone else.

And I'm glad.

Im so glad I have a Bright Vachirawit in my life.

"Win, Bright's dear snowball, have lunch with us?" Gun and Kana, the University's double trouble, approached me.

They're my friends.

Unlike the others, they genuinely care for me and so I love them both!

Newwie too, but New is busy so he can't be with us.

He's in a different department so we don't meet often.

"Sure!!" I replied enthusiastically and both of them beamed at me with fondness.

We were heading to the cafeteria when Gun instructed me to find a table for us three while the two of them gets our orders.

I happily obliged.

When everyone saw that I was heading towards the empty table, they went silent and proceeded to give me odd stares.

It was uncomfortable.

I did not realize it had me in a sour mood so when Gun and Kanawut came back, they saw me frowning.

"Sweetie, what's wrong? Why are you frowning?" Gun worriedly cupped my cheeks.

"Did someone upset you again? Who's the unlucky bitch now?" Kanawut glared at everyone who is trying to poke their nose on our business.

I did not speak as I felt really down.

They tried to lighten up my mood by offering me the food they had ordered for me but I already lost my appetite.

I have always been like this.

Sensitive, fragile, a crybaby.

I can barely put up with anything because small things upsets me...

"Hey guys, what's with the awkward silence?" Newwie came to our table with his boyfriend, Tay Tawan.

I smiled weakly at Newwie and Tay before looking down at the massacred food in my plate.

"Baby's upset again" Gun replied to Newwie.

"What? Why? What could have upset him?" New asked as they sat down.

"No idea" Kana replied.

"Off just texted me, they'll be here after their training" Tay informed us as he held his phone in his hands.

"They? You mean Off, Mew, Mike and Gunsmile?" Gun started reciting the football team's members.

"Yep. And Bright including" Tay nodded and everyone became uneasy.

After a couple of minutes or so, the whole football team crowded on our table.

There wasn't enough space for us so they had it extended so all of us would fit.

I was sitting in between Atp and Kanawut but when the football folks came, they switched seats so they could sit beside their boyfriends, Off and Mew--leaving a space beside me vacant.

No one dared to occupy that seat, not until P'Bai arrived and sat nonchalantly beside me.

"What's wrong?" Was the first thing he had asked me the moment he had arrived.

He might have sensed that something was off with me.

I wasn't being my usual self and it was alarming everyone.

Including him.

"Nothing" I replied dryly and rested my head on the table's surface.

"He's been acting weird the moment we sent foot in this cafeteria" Gun informed my best friend.

"Im starting to think cafeterias aren't one of Win's favorite place" Kana joked.

"That's funny. Win's favorite places are places with food" Off retorded and everyone would have to agree, including me.

It's just...

"Snowball" Bright called for me and I looked up to him.

"Hmm...?" I hummed.

"Whatever it is that had upset you, you can tell me. You know you can confide to me" He reached for my hand and gave it a soft caress.

I nodded but chose not to talk about it.

I had adjusted my seat so I could hug P'Bai sideways and bury my face in his neck, inhaling his intoxicating scent.

"What a baby" I heard Newwie commented and everyone chuckled at his retort.

"Win is everyone's baby, Hin" Tay corrected his boyfriend.

"Not true. Win is babier when he's with Bright" Gun added and they laughed again.

Babier huh?

I didn't even know such word exists. Psh.

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