"Do you hear that?" Harry says. "It's quiet."

Draco looks at the harp. "The music stopped."

The two both look at the dog and see it staring back at them. They scream and join faith in the unknown room below.

Faith was already struggling with the cushion of plant life they had landed on. It was wrapping around her as she struggled. "Devil's snare!"

"Hold still! Don't move or it will kill you faster." Draco says.

Harry stops moving as does draco. After a moment both of them get sucked into the plant. Faith starts screaming.

Harry lands next to draco on the floor below. "It worked."

Draco looks up and hears faith screaming. "She isn't relaxing."

"You need to relax." Harry yells. "The trick to getting through is not to move!"

They hear faith stop screaming eventually she drops through the vines. "Oh my gods... i swear if we die down here I will kill you both!?" She stands up and brushes off her robes.

"This was your idea!" Draco growls. "We are only here because you insisted on coming down here to find the stone for your sick dad."

Faith nods. "Right. Let's press on." she moves toward the door to the next room.

"She's completely mental." Draco mumbles to harry. "I'm starting to think this was maybe a bad idea."

"So far we have nearly been killed by a three headed dog, and a plant... so yeah this might have been a bad idea." Harry nods.

Faith moves into the next room. "Hey look at this?"

They follow her. "It's a bunch of keys." draco questions. "They all look new though."

"I imagine we are looking for an older looking key. The door is ancient." faith replies.

"There." Harry says pointing. "There is a short silver key with a broken wing."

"Alright, the youngest seeker in a century." faith says pointing to the broomstick nearby. "Should be no trouble for you."

Harry rolls his eyes and grabs the broomstick. Immediately the keys all begin to swarm him. He hops on the broom and flies after the old key.

Draco looks at faith. "I don't picture Snape doing this."

Faith shrugs. "He must really want the stone."

"Or maybe the devil's snare killed him." draco replies.

Harry grabs hold of the old key and dives for the door. "Here catch it!"

Draco looks up as Harry tosses the key down. He catches it and unlocks the door. They all go through it quickly followed by Harry and they slam the door shut. They stay there for a moment listening to the clatter of hundreds of keys hitting the door on the other side.

"Well that was dangerous." Harry mumbles. "Add enchanted keys to the list of things that could have killed us."

They walk into the next room. As they step across the marble floor the lights come on. Harry realizes they are standing on a huge wizards chess board. "Wizards chess?"

"Wicked." draco says. "I wonder why this is down here?"

"Who cares." faith says pushing her way past them to get through to the doors.

The statues of the pawns come to life and block the way.

"Well that's interesting." draco observes. "I suppose that means the only way across is to play the game."

Harry Potter: Harry SlytherinWhere stories live. Discover now