chapter 30 - r u i n

Start from the beginning

"I'll speak to you however I damn please."

"I swear to god I'm going to fucking kill you," he said while gritting his teeth.

"I'd rather be dead than be in the same room with a scumbag like you," Natalia spat.

"Don't fucking test me Edwards, I will ruin you just like how you ruined me."

"How? You don't know shit about me."

"I know about everything that happened when you were at Beauxbatons."

"You're lying."

"Let's see. I know you were sexually assaulted in a bathroom and everyone called you a whore for years because they thought you were trying to steal that girl's boyfriend."


"Your ex-boyfriend had found out who your dad really was and threatened to tell everyone if you didn't stay with him for sex. I know he didn't really like you, he just wanted you because you were a good lay."

"What the fu-"

"So do you believe me now?"

"Who told you all of this?"

"Remember your ex-boyfriend, Louis Morenoa?" She nodded. "Well he's my step-brother and he's living in L.A. now trying to get his other ex back from this annoying ass singer named Brando or something." 

"That's not fucking possible. I met his family, you weren't there. He didn't mention he had a brother."

"My older brother didn't care for me then, now him and I are buddies again especially after I helped him with his ex-girlfriend."

"Helped? What do you mean by helped?"

"I told Louis to sleep with another girl to get Olivia's attention back. I mean I think it worked, they got back together like 2 weeks ago."

"You sick psychopath! What the hell is wrong with you?!"

"You're such a fucking whore you know that? You fucked my brother, you even fucked me. What would Fred think of that? What would everyone at school think about you?"

"Wha- what?" Natalia said before Josh put something in her mouth to prevent her from talking.

"If you say any fucking thing about this, I swear to god I will fucking ruin you. I will tell everyone you fucked me while dating Fred and I will also use this," Josh said while holding up the picture that Fred had took of Natalia giving him a blowjob.

"Remember this? I'll fucking leak it if you don't do what I tell you. Nod if you understand." Natalia nodded.

"Break up with Fred. Stay away from all of your friends. Pretend like you don't give a fuck any of them. Then you're gonna get with Kalen. Kalen Adams." Natalia looked up with tears in her eyes. She tried to speak but the rag prevented her from talking.

"Nod if you fucking understand." Natalia nodded with tears smudging her cheeks. Josh made his way to remove the rag and ties around Natalia's hands and made sure to have a tight hold onto her. He dragged her out of the dark room and she was met with the moonlight.

Had she really spent that long with Josh? It was already night time. She made her way slowly back to Hogwarts, sobbing the entire way. She was playing with her promise ring the entire time. How was she gonna stay away from all her friends? Fred would hate her after this for sure.

She made it back to Hogwarts where she was met with a distressed Fred. She had told Fred that she couldn't be with him anymore and left him crying in the front of the Slytherin common room. It broke her heart to see him like that but what could she do?

Natalia made her way to the Hufflepuff common room to find Kalen. She found him sitting with his friends and he noticed the dark-haired girl. He instantly got up seeing her state and dragged her to an empty hallway.

"Why?" she said while cracking her voice.

"What are you talking about? What happened to you?"

"You know what I'm talking about Kalen. All I'm asking is why."

"Lia I have no fucking idea what you're talking about."

"Josh Williams."

"What about Williams?"

"Are you not in on his whole plan to fucking ruin my life?"

"That plan? The one where he wanted to polyjuice into Fred and fuck you because of the beef he had with you?"

"Yeah. That fucking plan."

"He asked me to be apart of it. I didn't think he would go through with it."

"So you're not apart of it?"

"No, fuck Lia that's so fucked up. I know what I did was fucked up and I'm sorry but I would never purposefully harm you like that. I realized after that I didn't actually like you like that, I just liked the way you looked. Obviously I liked you as a friend but I mistaked that for real feelings."

"Then why did he tell me to break up with Fred and then date you?"

"He did that?"

"Yeah," she said with tears pouring out of her eyes.

"Shit fuck Lia I didn't think he was that fucked up."

"It's fine Kalen I believe you but obviously it's gonna take some time for me to forgive you, what you did was still fucked up but what the fuck are we gonna do about Josh?"

"I have an idea."


if y'all are wondering which you definitely are, go read my friend's book someone else by arreagas_chains we wanted to do like a mini crossover and louis in her book is the super toxic ex... we've been planning this for the last two days (p.s. there'll be more crossovers in the future so make sure to read her story)

random question: if you've shifted, does fred have a daddy kink? i feel like he does but also doesn't at the same time... i need answers

the way that i'm not even done with this book and i'm already starting another book (it's gonna be a love triangle between cedric and fred) y'all better be prepared (it probably won't be out until this book is almost done but look out for maybe an intro chapter in a few days)

here's a picture of harry styles that was probably everyone's reaction to the end of the chapter:

here's a picture of harry styles that was probably everyone's reaction to the end of the chapter:

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