I'm Taking My Crayons And Leaving

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(11:52 p.m.)

"Good evening, young miss Jivrai. I see you're still sneaking around, though I'm pleased to see you aren't breaking any of my locks anymore."

Of course he's waiting for me, I groaned, blinking to let my eyes adjust to the light in the room.

"How did you know I'd be coming?" I asked, turning to Araes. He was sitting in a plush looking red armchair in front of a fireplace to my left.

Araes gestured to the small couch across from him with a small grin," have a seat."

"I'll stand," I answered, moving to the couch.

"Suit yourself," Araes shrugged, taking a puff of his pipe. Exhaling a slow stream of green smoke, he continued." So, what brings you to my chamber tonight?"

"Oh? I thought you'd already know that since you seem to know why I do everything else around here," I smirked, adjusting the strap of my bag.

Araes gave me another shrug.

I sighed and pulled the black book from my bag.

"Does this look familiar?" I asked, tossing it to Araes.

"This was in the library's restricted section, wasn't it?" Araes turned the book over in his hands and slowly pried up the cover. His eyebrows raised slightly." You opened it?"

"Was a dombrack of a thing to open," I said, watching as Araes flipped through the blank pages of the book.

"It's...blank," Araes sent me an expecting glance.

"I thought so too, but due to...certain events... I found a map in the back." I sat down on the arm of the couch and rifled through my bag for the loose pages." The runes were in ancient dragonic but I was able to translate them--" I handed him the papers--" I figured you'd be good at riddles."

Araes gave a slight nod and glanced over the papers in his hands.

"Hrm...I see."

After a few minutes of silently frowning at the papers, Araes let out a long sigh.

Tossing the papers on the table, Araes leaned back in his chair pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Bad 'I see' or good 'I see'?" I asked.

Araes shot me a look from between his fingers." There's a difference?"

"Did you figure it out or not?"

"I did," Araes let out another sigh." It's only a guess, but I believe this riddle refers to this," he pointed to a spot on the map on the table.

I frowned," you're joking."

"Why else would there be a map?" Araes shrugged." In any case, I'd like you to take a little trip to check it out."

"Of course you do." I rolled my eyes." So? When do I leave?"

"Tomorrow at the earliest. Give me some time to work out the details," Araes said, stretching as he stood." Come see me in my office after breakfast. We'll talk more then."


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