Lottie Lup and Ursa Major showed up.
—This looks so bad, what happened? —Ursa asked
—Be careful! —Cat Noir said throwing them to the floor
—She has been akumatized and everything is my fault. Be careful with that flamethrower.
—You think you three can stop me? — Darkbug said

Cat Noir took a car's door as a shield.
—Do you think that will protect you? —Darkbug said

Darkbug was shooting the 'shield' and the flames spread throw the city.
—This is not working anymore, we need a plan.           —Lottie Lup said
—I can't think of anything else. I'm scared, I hate myself for being such an irresponsible. —Cat Noir said overwhelmed
—I got you! —Darkbug told the heroes

—I can't continue seeing this anymore. —Bunnix said to herself
—I really hope Cat Noir could fix this...

Going back with Cat Noir and Darkbug.
—You know... I wasn't going to give Hawk Moth our miraculous. I just wanted to make things right and follow what the guardians book said.
—But why? What did I do?
—Because you revealed your identity to some citizens, Adrien.

They stood up. Cat Noir swallowed and Darkbug started to raise her voice.
—We were perfect as partners. I thought I will fight all the battles with you, how can you be careless?
—I'm sorry M'lady, it was an accident. Let me make things right.
—It's too late, don't you see?

—Evil charm! (A hammer, similar to the one Ursa Major have)
—Don't worry, I will never replace you, I will keep your miraculous and I'd be double powerful than before. So I tell you one more time, give me your miraculous for good or it would be for the bad.
—I'm sorry but I can't. —Cat Noir answered
—Okay, your choice.

Darkbug hit Cat Noir like a ball.
—I don't want to hurt you, Ladybug, please stop.        —Cat Noir told her while holding her hammer
—You're making things complicated. It's easy just to give me your miraculous.
—What are you going to do with the miraculous if half of the planet is dead? —Cat Noir asked
—There are more countries to visit.
—But you aren't bad Ladybug, remember. You were the best hero in Paris.
—I'm not Ladybug anymore, I'm Darkbug!                    —Darkbug said and hit Cat Noir one more time

Cat Noir flew away a little further which gave him time to think. He was laying on the floor.

*Cat Noir in his mind*
I can't fight with her, she is at least as strong as me...
I can only use my cataclysm one time because there's no cheese or even food around here...
Don't be scared Cat Noir, think, what would Ladybug do in this case?

—Ready? —Darkbug asked

Cat Noir stood up.
—You won, Darkbug. I will give you my miraculous.
—Really? Well, good choice Kitty.
—But first I want to apologize and say goodbye the best way.
—Okay, I'm listening.
—Ladybug, You were the best partner I could ever have, all the fights by your side I enjoyed them as you have no idea. Although you didn't choose me, I think that fate put us together for some reason, thank you for never leaving me aside and for supporting me so many years.

Darkbug shed some tears.
—I never imagined I will stop being Cat Noir this way, but I guess is the correct thing. Hug?

Cat Noir hugged Darkbug for a moment, when he had the opportunity he took her yo-yo.
—I'm sorry if you believed that but I love being Cat Noir as much as I love you. Is for your own good.

Ladybug from the past came from the portal to trap the akuma.
—No more evil-doing for you, little akuma. Time to de-evilize!
—Gotcha... Bye bye little butterfly.
—Miraculous ladybug!
—Thank you, Bugaboo.
—See you in our time.

Ladybug from the past went away.
—Are you okay, M'lady?
—What happened?
—You had been akumatized and its all my fault.
—Thank you for saving me, you're the best.                  —Ladybug said hugging him
—If you ever thought you are useless or you aren't worthy without me by your side, you are wrong, you just did it. I'm proud of you.
—Thank you, but I haven't fix everything. I should go right now.

Cat Noir was walking to the portal.
—Adrien, wait.

Ladybug ran to reach him.
—I love you. —She said and kissed him on the lips

—I- but you can't know my identity. well, you will know very soon. I will never forget this kiss, thank you...

—Romeo, I'm waiting for you... —Bunnix said  peeking through the portal

—I'll fix everything, I promise, this cat is leaving!           —Cat Noir told Ladybug

Now, Cat Noir went to the specific moment where he was about to scape to go to the party.
—Plagg, cla- —Adrien from that moment barely said
—Wait, Adrien. Don't transform! —Cat Noir told him
—You are me and I am you?
—Yes but from another time.
—Please, don't go to the party as Cat Noir, someone will see you and your identity is in danger.
—I told you It was a bad idea. —Plagg said
—And what should I do now? Don't go to the party? —Adrien asked
—You can go but you should ask Kagami for a ride, I'm sure she would understand. —Cat Noir told him
—Okay, thank you for the advice.

Cat Noir started walking to the portal.
—Wait a minute. I hadn't noticed that I look so good in that costume. —Adrien commented checking himself

Both laughed.
—We are handsome and funny. I need to go now, promise me you aren't going to mess everything up.
—I promise. You can trust me, you know that.
—Okay, bye.

Cat Noir went through the portal to finally get to his actual time.
—Plagg, claws in!

Bunnix appeared to tell Adrien something.
—I don't want to spoil things but I think is important to know that, If you are going to reveal your identities please do it at the same time. Tell Minibug is 92.8% of probability to not cause a mess in the timeline. Be careful please.
—Thank you, Bunnix.

Bunnix went out.
—We are just back in time. —Adrien told Plagg
—I'm still hungry and tired. —Plagg said
—You are complaining while I had to face my worst nightmare! This was the worst day ever...
—Is your fault. It was your idea to involve Cat Noir in your personal issues.
—But you know it wasn't bad at all because Ladybug kissed me. —Adrien said with a smile on his face
—Good for you, can I have my lovely Camembert?      —Plagg said

Adrien got a message.
—Nino just texted me. He wants to have a sleepover with the boys in my house. I'm sure my dad won't let me. Anyways, I will ask him tomorrow or some day. —He told Plagg

Adrien laid in his bed.
—Good night, Plagg.
—Good night, Adrien.

We're meant to be together [Adrinette] *CORRECTING*Where stories live. Discover now